Chapter 3

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         The cold air hits me when I step a foot out of school, a single golden leaf pirouetted down an invisible spiral of breeze, spinning though the air as it let itself be carried down. It shook slightly, as if it could have been whisked away any second by the grip of an icy wind, but it kept floating down the twirling course. It blew past my face and landed lightly on the ground, the shiny, vibrant colour standing out against the ambers and bronzes beneath it.
         My feet continued walking while my head was full of thoughts, why would I accept something like that? He isn't the kind of boy that would even spear a second to look back at me... I do not belong in his type of world where girls look like models that have just been ripped out of a catalog, with their perfect bodies, hair and their beautiful style. I just shook my head of all this thoughts because if I don't then I think my head will explode right now.
          Once I finally enter my house I let myself fall on to the sofa that is next to the doorway, and I completely refuse to think of him, not even for one minute.
          Several minutes pass by of me just laying on this sofa just staring blankly out the window, until I put an end to this horrible feeling that embraces me and get up to take a shower.
          When I find myself in the bathroom I let my clothes fall on the freezing tiles, before getting in the shower and letting the hot drops of water attack my body.
           I loose so much time in the bathroom lost in my thoughts, and when I finally finish and get out of my shower I put on a comfortable white baggy sweater which is so soft and hugs my body making me feel happy even with all that is happening around me, but then I realise that I am not capable of cleaning away this feelings that just took over my body and my positive energy, so I do what I now best to get away from everything.
          I go in the kitchen to put a pot full of water on the stove while I hear the fireplace cracking in the living room, cutting the silance like a knife. After I make my favourite tea I just let myself fall on to the sofa with my book next to me while I am watching the soft shadows of the flames just dancing on the wall.
         What can be more perfect then this?
          This is my favourite kind of book, it is a romance one. This is taking me to a world where it doesn't metter how different or how far away two people are, love is always the strongest force out there and when the fait wants them togheter it is just not their choice anymore. There was a saying You can't help who you're falling in love with... Well I can't really say that I know how true that saying is but I know I would like to find out one day. But the problem here is that I don't know if such a reality exists, I'm afraid that this kind of love can't be found anywhere else then this books...
          I feel my head very heavy and when I am capable of opening my eyelids I realize that I fell asleep while reading, again. I panic when I realise that I have to get redy right now if I want to be done by four. I jump from the couch and go straight to the bathroom where I splash my face with cold water to be sure that I am wide awake. I then put my hair in a side braid to get it out of the way, as for makeup... I do not think that I should wear that much since it's just a walk so a little bit of mascara should do the trick along with my lip gloss.
          When I look outside I see the sky crowded with grey clouds, and I would lie if I said that I didn't like this kind of weater, but at the same time it's very cold so I deide on puting on a maroon sweater, my black jeans and over my black leather jacket. I finish getting ready in perfect time seeing how I need to get out of the house five minutes earlier, I can remember even now his face when I didn't told him where I live...he looked astonished, like I should have told him where I live without any hesitation. Instead I told him to pick me up from a coffee shop which is not that close to my house.
          I just put my black boots on and I'm out of the house.
When I get to the coffee shop I don't see him so I just go around a couple of minutes until a blackcar stops in front of me. I kinda take a step back not knowing who was in that car but once the window is down I reconise his face, he gestures for me to get in the car, I stop a minute to ask myself if I really want to do this, I still have time to back away and get back home...but my feet just don't listen to my brain and somehow I hesitantly end up in his car next to the driver's seat.
          "You look beautiful!" He's voice says before starting the car, hearing those word just made my cheeks heat up so much an I turned my face to the window so fast in a weak attempt of hiding it from him but when we come to a red light he again takes my chin and turns my face to him.
          "You know, you should really learn how to take a compliment. You deserve it." He says with his voice so soft looking me straight in the eyes. His face was so close to mine that I could feel his warmt just embracing me, and the green light just intrerupted the moment, but I think I am so thankful for that, I didn't want to regret something later if he would've made a move. I just fall right back into my seat and continued to look out of the window until we finally come to a stop, he shakes my shoulder to let me know and then he opens me the door before I had the chance to.
          "Thanks..." I say just loud enough for him to hear me.
He smiles at me then takes my hand, and before I even realise what is happening I find mysel dragged to a wooden bridge which was lighted by some random lights. The atmosphere was so perfect and the moon was just making it feel like this scene is ripped out of one of my books.
          "So tell me something about you." He takes me by surprise saying that...
          "Well there really is not mch to know about me" I say not having any idea what he wants me to say, I am not like the other girls that he usually hangs out with, my life is boring.
          "In the first place, I am more then sure that what you said is not true, and secondly you could start with your name " He sais cackling, his smile was so beautiful...
         " name is Tess, and yours is...?" I ask not being able to hide my smile. I am sure that the hole school knows his name, but not the bookworm girl that is standing right next to him.
         "Edward, and may I say, you have such a beautiful name." He says hitting me with a huge smirk that should probably irritate me, but right now it is just making me uncomfortable around him, seeing how he is just so perfect.
         Again I feel the heat rising to my cheeks but I am so thankful for the sun that dissappeared and was took by this slight darkness.
          We just walk for a while, none of us saying anything and I was just overthinking everything, my head was starting to hurt from my pending questions that went trough a lot of mental filters before they got to my mouth, and all this work just for me not to say any of them. I was tired and a question that was waiting to escape just got out without me even realising it, not before it was too late.
     "Why me, Edward?" I just stoped dead in my tracks. Why have I asked him that?!
     "What?" He asked me confused stopping and walking back, looking straight in my brown eyes.
   Well...I was the one that asked the question, now I can't do anything but enlighten him.
     "I just, hmm... there are so many girls out there, that are so much better then me. Why me?"
      His face was blank, no emotion was there to read. Have I said something? Or did he just realise that he made a huge mistake by bringing me here.
        "I think I should go now." I say and turned my back to him. I didn't make two steps when I felt his
hand on my wrist spinning me towards him and bringing me to his chest. My heart just started to beat quickly under my rib cage, which I am sure he is able to feel. His forehead is touching mine and our eyes interlock into a pool of emotions. The silance was everywhere and was making my breathing heavier. Until he tankfuly broke it.
      "Why you, Tess? Because you are different. You are nothing like the other girls. You are special somehow, I just can't understand what is making me so mad about you. I now I should let you go, but I can't bear the thought of not being with you." His soft lips wore brushing over mine.
      "W-Wh-What?..." I felt my knees go weak and I was so thankful for his hand that was keeping me on my feet by my waist.
      "I won't repeat myself sweat heart. Now it is getting late, let's get you home." He says and takes a step back letting me stay on my trembling feet.
       "Can you walk or should I carry you back to the car?" His voice has a tone of amusement as he is saying this looking at me.
       He wouldn't do that, right?...
      "Oh, I wasn't kidding, so now which one do you choose?"
       When I don't say anything for another hole minute, just staring at him, I see him taking a step forward going straight for my legs.
       I jump back, taken by surprise by him, finally saying
      " O-ok, I'll walk!"
      He just chuckles at my statement but nods and takes my hand in his worm and comforting one and makes his way back to the car.
       The ride home was a total silance only the radio braking it once in a while, just to inform us about the weather and the late hour.
       Once we got to the shop where he picked me up I thanked him for the ride trying to get out, but the door just locked. My eyes widen, and I am turning to him looking at his hand on the locking button.
       "Tell me where you live, I won't let you walk so late, alone." His face was straight, and I knew better then to argue with him, but I just couldn't wrap my head around the last minute actions.
       "You're kidding, right?" I say with a smile on my face bursting out in an uncontrolled laugh.
        But his stern expression just throws me off, making me stop immediately from laughing.
        "Laugh how much you want, it looks cute on you, but I am serious when I say you won't get out of this car until you tell me where you live." His calm but serious voice explains to me.
       "You have to be joking!" Oh my god... this guy is unbelievable!
       "I won't tell you anything, now unlock the door!" I say unsure of myself anymore.
        "I guess we are going to my place then. Because over my dead body will you get out of this car in this darkness, at a considerable distance from your home."
         My jaw must have hit the floor by now... he has a point tho. And the last drop was when the engine starts again.
        "Ok fine... take the right on the second street from here. My house is the third one on that street." I say accepting my faith and letting my back hit the cushioned black leather chair of his car.
        A smile appears on his perfect structured face. While he restarts the engine of the car.
        The moon was shining on his face making it look surreal, his muscles are flexing through his shirt as he drives, and his messy hair is slightly moved back and forth by the soft wind from the half cracked window of the car.
     Before I even get the chance to look away he turns to me and cathes me starring at him. My face and neck start too feel hot as the slight pinkish color apears on my skin.
      "This color looks good on you." He says making me feel much more uncomfortable.
      "I will see you at school tomorow!" He says and with that thought in mind I open the door and get out of the car going straight to my front maroon wooden door. I glance one more time over my sholder to see him still standing there, in front of my house until I safely lock the door behind me.


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