Chapter 4

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     Waking up can be really harsh, especially if your dreams are better than reality. The saddest part of it is, though, that eventually even the memory of your dream will fade - if you are even lucky enough to remember it that is. Then you're left with this lonely feeling of detachment, left to explore in the empty void of emotions, the only proof that you ever had the dream to begin with.
      The warm ball of light filtered through my thin eyelids awaking me on the second day of school. Rays of brightness cast squares onto the glossy wooden floor, reflecting onto several objects in the room which decorated its otherwise simplicity. I blinked a few times, in an attempt to help my eyes adjust to the illumination directed right at my defenseless figure.
     The rambunctious blaring of the small alarm clock jarred me out of my peaceful sleep and I jolted up, smashing the snooze button as hard as I possibly could.
      A new day is about to begin, right when my cold feet touch the dark wooden floor, a grimace apeears on my face from the slight discomfort of the freezing feeling, but as always I grow used to it, since my feet are anyways cold even if I sleep with my fuzzy socks under the big, warm blanket.
     I force myself to go to the bathrom, stopping myself in front of the white marble sink. I turn on the tap on the coldest setting and I splash my face with as much water as my hands can hold.
      Realisation just hits me, when the icy water makes contact with my face. Images from last night's events just rolling in my head like an old black and white movie. Have I dreamed this? This couldn't possibly be real! His words are echoing in my head,  you are different, this has to be just a dream. The hair from the back of my head raises, only at the thought of those images being real. I sake my head trying to get everything out of my memory at list for a short period of time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get ready for this day.
       My school bag is heavier than usually but I ignore the tought and just leave it as it is. It isn't like I am not used to carrying so many text books with me. And after all I will leave them in my locker today.
       The small squeaking noise made by my wardrobe is clearly echoing in my room while I try to find something to wear for today, as I am sure that my teachers won't be ok with me walking the halls of the school in my white short pijamma pants and my old white T-shirt, that is way bigger than it should be.
     I finally settle on a skater black skirt, which has small white polkadots on it and a white, long sleeved lacy shirt. But outside is pretty cold as always so I feel the need of adding some black thights which are supposed to keep my feet kind of worm and my black jacket.
      I was about to go downstairs when I can clearly hear a powerful beeping sound outside my house. I qulckly take my bag and an apple form my kitchen, and I am out of my house in no time to be greeted by Laura's black car right in front of me.
    "Get in the car!"
    The shadow of a smile is slowly making it's way on my face, seeing how things are going back to normal. Even if that means that I will be greeted every day by my friend's high piched voice, which even if I shouldn't have, I grew used to.
     I open the door to the left front seat of the car after I closed my jacket, the cold air of autumn making it's presence felt deep in my bones through my thin blouse.
     I fasten the security belt from my seat and then I greet Laura
     "Hey! What's up?" I ask not looking at her but at the other houses that we were passing by, through my window
      "What's up? Oh no! You what's up!"
    I turn around at my friend loking at her with my puzzled look, which clearly said that I did not understand what she wanted to say.
       "You have to tell me every single ditail of what happened with you and Edward!" it was real...well I am not sure I want to start talking about what happened there. Since I am still not sure of what actually happened between the two of us. Whit those thoughts in mind I try to get her off of this subject with a clearly dismissive answer.
        "Nothing happened." It is all I said and then averted my eyes from her to the cloudy and dark road.
      "Fine don't tell me now. But You will tell me when we are in your room tonight preparing you for the party!!"
      My eyes go wide at her statement, she knows too well that I hate parties. But she still somehow manages to get me to go with her, even with all my excuses, that are one by one eliminated by her.
      "I don't have to start explaining again to you why and how much I hate parties do I?"
      "Oh come on! You realise that you never get out? When are you ever going to party and feel good?"
       "Uh...Laura, you are my best friend, but you still after all this time can't understand that parties are not my kind of fun?"
        "Well then, what is 'your kind of fun' , Nessa?"
         "You know that book th-" but she doesn't even let me finish what I want to say, when she intrerupts me.
          "Ok don't even continue that answer. You will come to this party even if I have to carry you out of the house in your pijamma!" And that statement just shut my mouth closed not willing to argue anymore. I will get past this party like I got past the others, not getting anyone's attention while standing in a corner.
      I snap out of my thoughts when the car engine stops in the school's patking lot, slight rain drops are making themselfs visible while racing down the car's windows. I open the door and behind Laura, who was running to shield herself under the school's roof, I just walk calmly my way to the student's entry.
     I had english as first class today, and I was so into the discussion that our teacher raised on this book that I didn't even noticed when the time passed. As for the other classes, well they were ok but none compered with the English Lit one. I can truly say that I am looking forward to the next class with this teacher.
      I was at my locker now disposing of all my text books that I didn't need for tomorow, which made my bag so much more lighter, and for that I am so grateful.
      I stepped out of the school going straight to the parking lot looking for my friend's car. After a minute I finaly find it and get in, just to see Laura waiting me already.
        "Finally! What took you so long!?" Her pitched voice echoes throug the car making my ears shut in self defance.
    "Calm down drama queen! I just stopped to leave my text books in my locker on the way out."
      "Don't tell me to calm down! I am so happy for this party! I can't wait! We'll have a great time!"
     I sake my head in debrief, she will probably never learn that the things she gets exited for are not my cup of tea.
       "Come on, Nessa! This is a gorgeous dress!"
      "What?!I am sorry I thought I just heard you saying that this piece of material is a dress!"
    I look horrified at Laura who is shoving this 'shirt' length club dress in my face.
      "Nessa! Live a little!"
      "I am not going out in that thing and that is final!" I shout at her still with my eyes glued to that dress. It had a huge cleavege which was coverd only by a thin piece of lace and as for lenght, well let's just say it didn't cover enything in particular.
      "Fine! Let's find you something else to wear!"
      A smile bursts on my face the moment the dress hits the floor.
     It took us some quality time but she finally agreed with me on an off the sholder white shirt and black skinny jeans, which were not mine, but it seams that my wordrobe it's not really 'party appropriate'. What a big surprise...
     She, one the other hand, is rocking a beautiful black dress that hugs her body perfectly, but it is way too short for my own tastes.
    The ride to the house, where the party is having place, it is quiet, with me starring out the window at the pure darkness, not being able to see anything in particular beside the lights from different cars that were passing by, and with Laura just starring at the dark road in front of us, which was lighted only by some lights that were not powerful enough to change anything.
     After my friends squeaking I can say that we finally arrived at the right location. The house is big and by what I can see, the guy that leaves here is one of those rich kids that were raised with a silver spoon in their mouth.
     My hand is firmly taken by my friend and I find myself being dragged into the house, with each step we take, the music is getting louder and louder. Half of the school is running around in this house, and the common aspect of every single person in here is the plastic red cup, which is for sure filled with some sort of alcoholic drink.
     I am dragged by Laura in the middle of the room, but I feel her hand letting go of mine in a swift motion, the moment a tall, blonde guy, which looks like a skyscraper, with his perfect toned body, approaches her, hooking a hand to her waist and getting her away from me. She doesn't even glance back at me. As always now I am on my own...
     The smell of alcohol is everywhere, and I can't tell you how much I hate it. So I try to make my way to a smaller populated area of this house, in hopes that maybe this smell will go away. I find myself in the kitchen, not after too much struggle, since all those people were wasted like no tomorow, so it wasn't such a hard job to get through them.
      This place was a mess, cups were everywhere, along with a bunch of beer bottles that were thrown in every corner. And I don't even want to mention the huge sticky stain that was covering a part of this plain beige carpet, which I was so close to step in.
       I loose some quality time looking out the window at the pool right outside the house, which was surprisingly not surrounded by anyone. I don't even know how much time has passed, and I didn't turn around yet, I am too caught in observing the slow waves that were forming on the surface of the pool. But my heart starts raicing when I feel someone's presence behind me, while a huge shadow towers over my frame. I don't want to turn back, I am frozen in place when two big hand find their way to my waist. Then I hear the person whispering in my ear.
      "Turn around, sweetie." His voice was harsh and it doesn't sound familiar.
     When I refuse to turn around, his grip on my hips is getting even more thight and he harsly turns me around, hitting my hips on the marble kitchen island. A small squeek escapes my lips as a result of my probably briused hip.
      His face is so close to mine, a strong scent of alcohol hitting my face, making me prick my face in protest. I try to put my hand on his chest and push him away but he wouldn't bulge even a little. His hands start rumming my body and my panic reaches unimaginable levels, I tried to scream but nothing came out, tears started falling from my eyes wetting my face and probably destroing the small amount of makeup that I let Laura put on me, when I suddenly feel his weight being lifted from me, I let out a huge breath that I didn't realise I was holding, and I slide down on my knees with my eyes shut tight.
     When I steady myself I open my eyes to see the pure blue oceans looking straight through me, like I wasn't even here. Edward was right here, in front of me looking like a hole different person. His hair was messy but not the type of messy that I was used to seeing, he looked tired, the white of his eyes being coverd with thin red strokes and his black shirt was all wrinkled.
    He suddenly takes my hand in his warm and delicate one, which starts to send hot shivers up my freezing cold hand, and yanks me up, out of the kitchen and in no time out of the house.
     The rain hit my skin like it would go right through and the water washed the street like a river would rise. Beneath the slight sound of the late city traffic, I couldn't hear my own footfalls. I was so completely wet and numb that I didn't feel the splashing of the vehicles or the wind that blew so hard that the litter swirled into the air like the poor relations of autumn leaves. The cars past by us and I was finally comprehending what was actually going on but I couldn't make myself say a thing.
    The rain was even sharper as we turned the corner of the building and the lights attempted to pierce the blackness of the hour. We have finally reached our destination, his black car was slightly lighted by the the faint lights on the side of the road.
      He turns to me not letting go of my hand his fingers gently ran up and down my spine, through the thin material of the blouse coaxing shivers out of me. With my cheeks still blushing I glanced back up into his captivating blue eyes. He leans down, resting his forehead against mine. I watched breathlessly as his warm breath, sent shivers through my hole body, remainding me of how cold actually is outside. Without a second thought he takes his black leather jacket of and burries me into it, resting it on my sholders. His scent flooded me from all different directions and his warmt was everywhere.
     He opens harsly the door and signals me to get in the car, but as I always overthink every single move I make, I hesitantly look at the seat and back at him, when I am met by his eyes, which were meaning to tell me not to argue with him, that expresion of his face scares me, sending shivers down my spine and makes me get inside of the car in a metter of seconds, not willing to question him even more. He then slams the door behind me and goes around the front of the car, the violent rain making his hair fall down on his face and making his muscles so prominent, as the wet shirt sticks to his torso.
       The ride home was silent and I couldn't help but question the response that my own body has to him. The close proximity of us makes me loose some of the control that I was used to have in my life, it makes me question If I am sane as I make decisions around him.
    As we finally pull to the driveway of my house he turns to look at me, his eyes softer then before but still rigid, like he was angry but he tried to hide it.
    "Are you ok, Vanessa?" His voice was soft but at the same time something was hiding behind that soft facade, I could feel it.
   I nod my head, not being able to word something right now.
   "Words, please use words Vanessa." The way my name was rolling of his mouth was unreal.
    I tried to force myself to say a small 'yes', but I am not sure if he was able to hear it. The tension between the two of us was asking way too much of my will power to stay strong, and at the same time his question made all of the previous events rush back at me, and I could feel the tears at the back of my eyes treating to fall, so in a swift motion I am turning my back to him and get out of the car, making small but quick steps to my house. The rain hasn't stopped yet, my tears melting in the cold drops of rain.
    In the small distance I am able to hear the car door slam and big steps following behind me. I quickly turn back just to be met by his face inches from mine. 
    Unexpectedly, his hand drifted to grip my waist. It settled there and pulled me closer. I inhaled sharply. I was against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection. Must he be so perfect? I splayed my hand against it, intending to push him away, but failing as his strong grip didn't loose at all, and instead of taking it back to my side I left it there. His breathing quickened as did mine. I urged myself to push away, when his powerful stare just bored in mine, but couldn’t. My limp body began to tremble uncontrollably. His head was angled slightly to the side as his lips came closer and closer to mine. I was surprised to find my own lips parted, as my breath hitched. Our breaths mingled, my heart fluttered inside my chest, when his soft lips touched mine. At first, it was a delicate butterfly of a kiss. Then his arms encircled me and he drew me closer to him so now our bodies were one. The rain runs down our faces to where our lips meet, each of us tasting the cold drops. Instead of detracting from the intensity of the moment it brings us to new heights.
     There is something so heavenly about a kiss in the rain, a tender moment that just won't wait. It is that burst of love that is expressed, not caring if the water soaks through to chill the skin. It is a connection that shows the strength of the feeling, the mutual need. It is a rebellion against the elements. Nature can bring the rain but our inner sunshine comes through just the same.


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