Chapter 7- 17 part 5

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It has been two days since Harry talked to me about Tom.

I sit up in my bed, quietly getting up. I grab my phone, tiptoeing out of my room and shutting the door lightly before slowly going down the stairs. I push my glasses up my nose and see someone sitting on the couch as I enter the den. I carefully walk to the door and walk out, going to the beach and just sitting there in the dark. I've been doing this for the past three years of coming here when I can't sleep.

I feel someone grab my shoulder and I jump, seeing Tom.

"God you almost gave me a heart attack" I say holding my heart.

He smiles before sitting down by me on my right.

"What are you doing up?" He asks and I shrug.

"Can't sleep" I say and he nods.

"How long have you been doing this?" He asks.

"About three years" I say.

"What are you doing up?" I ask him.

"I couldn't sleep" he says.

"It really is beautiful at night, I can see why you like it" he says and I smile at the ocean.

"You don't have to stay with me" I state, secretly hoping he won't leave so I will have company.

"I know, but I want too" he says.

"I feel my face going a bit pink, thanking god that it's dark out.

"So you're into dance?" He asks and I nod.

"That's cool" he says and I laugh.

"I guess. Why is it that we have barely talked?" I ask him and he looks over at me.

"Honestly who knows" he laughs.

"What did Harry talk to you about in the ocean the other day?" He asks.

"He was asking me about Bucky" I lie.

"Oh" he says and I nod.

"I like your hair" he says and I smile.

"Thank you, I like yours too" I say.

We talk longer, not knowing that we were being watched.

Sara's POV

"Shh we don't want to wake the kids" Dominic whispers as Nicola squeaks quietly.

"I knew that they were gonna have something ever since I saw them together when they were 14. He was so shy towards her" Nicola says and I smile at the two teenagers siting on the beach.

"Kiss" Rob urges.

Suddenly Karissa looks behind her and we all duck.

"I don't think they would be able to see us from all the way down there" Rob laughs and we all nod.

"What's Karissa's family life like?" Dominic asks as we continue to watch them.

"Her mom is a nurse. Her dad left them when she was about 4. Her mom and her moved here when she was about 5. Our families are very close. Her mom is usually at work. But she loves Karissa with all her heart, and she loves her mom a lot. " I say.

"She seem happy" Dominic says and I nod.

"Throughout her entire life she's been meet with rejection and sadness. But even as a kid, she has wanted to make everyone happy. She's very optimistic, although sometimes she's not as nice to herself as she should be" I say.

"I'll never forget this one time Macy's boyfriend broke up with her when she was 15. She really likes him and was a crying mess. Karissa was home alone and five minutes after she texted her and told her, there was a knock at the door. There's stood Karissa, messy bed hair, a gallon of ice cream, and root bear." Rob laughs at the memory.

Karissa's POV

"What's your favorite color?" I ask him.

"Red" he says. We have been questioning each other for the past half hour.

"Dream place to travel?" He asks.

"Oh that's tough" I say.

"There's so many places" I say.

"Name them off" he says.

"Okay. Florence, Italy. Germany. Dublin, Ireland. Spain, Australia, UK, Africa" I begin naming more off.

"I just want to see the world" I say.

"Sounds like it" he laughs, yawning.

"Wanna head inside?" I ask.

"Nah, no, I'm fine" he says tiredly.

"No, come on" I say standing.

"No im fine I promise" he says but I grab his foot, dragging him a few steps before laying his foot back down.

"Geez you're heavy" I pant and he laughs, sitting up.

"Come on you're obviously tired, and I can go try to sleep" I say and he sighs, standing.

"Fine" he says and starts walking beside me, lightly shoving me, making me stumble. I go back and light shove him.

We enter the house to see all the adults standing in the kitchen, immediately hiding behind the table.

"Wanna just act like they aren't there?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah that's for the best" he says and I smile.

"Night" I tell him.

"Night" he says before turning the tv off.

"Night Rob, Sara, Dominic and Nicola" I call it, hear a chorus of 'night's.

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