Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Ethan and Heather Knight

My name is Diana smith I'm 17 years old and I just moved from Springfield, Illinois  to Thomasville, Alabama with my mom and dad. I'm not looking forward to my first day at my new high school because I'm not really the friend making type. I get really shy around people and have a hard time trying to talk to them. I just hope that everything goes good because I am from the city and not use to country people. What if they make fun of me for being from Illinois I can’t handle being picked on. Well I got a call from a friend back home in Illinois her name is Macie Nichols. We talk about how we think my first day at my new school would go she started picking with me “watch out for the hillbillies” she said. “yeah like totally don’t want to run into any of them” I said. She ask “So when do you start school there any way.” “tomorrow will be my first day” I replied. Well it’s the next day and I'm walking through the hallway of the school looking at my schedule not paying attention to where I was going and I run into this boy wearing a plaid button up shirt, blue jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat. We both fall down my books go every where and his hat falls off. I saw his beautiful black hair and we both get up and I start picking up my books he picks up his hat. I am on my knees trying to get all of them and he bends down and helps me well he stands up as well as I and he hands me my books. I hear this deep country voice say “are you ok?” I look up and it was him but then our eyes meet and we just stand there for a minute starring into each others eyes. We finally stop starring into each others eyes and he says “Hi I’m Aaron Brooks” I reply “Hi I’m Diana smith."I know I’m usually shy but for some crazy reason when I’m with him I feel like I can do anything. “you are new around here right?” he asked “yeah” I said. “do you need any help with your schedule?” asked Aaron  “actually yes I cant find my next class” I replied “here let me see your schedule" Aaron said. I give him my schedule and he looks at it “you have Mr. Smith as well as I” Aaron said “that’s great at least I will know one person there” I said. “tell you what how about I walk you to class” Aaron said “that would be great” I replied. So he walks me to my class and I could not have got any luckier then right then the only seat available was right next to his. When the teacher told me to sit next to him he started smiling and when I looked at him he tried to hide it. That's when I popped a grin at him and he started smiling again but when I sat down he asked if he could see my schedule again. I gave it to him and he look for a second or two then he looked at me at me and he said “we have the same schedule and my locker is next to yours.” “that’s great Aaron” I said. Then all the classes were over I was at my locker and Aaron walks up he ask “Diana would you like to come to a party with me tonight ?” I say “ Aaron that would be great and all but I’m from the city and your from the country we are different I don’t think it would work out.” Aaron said “I don’t care when I'm done with you you will be just as country as I am please go with me” I said “ok well then yes.” So I go home and I pick out a nice little dress, curl my hair and I texted Aaron to see what shoes I should wear he says I need boots.


so this is my first chapter forgive me if it sucks. Comment if you think I should continue writing it. Well here ya go Rachel I hope you enjoy it!!!!! ~A

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