Chapter 4

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I tell him that it fine and he finally stopped trying to apologize. We get so caught up in the moment that he leans in as well I and we kiss. We just stand there for a minute and then we say goodnight again. Aaron goes back to his truck and leaves I go inside and go straight to bed. The next day I was at school with Aaron walking through the hallway when we run into a group of he knows. He introduced me to them there was Annabelle Freeman, Heather Gates, Keith Montgomery, and I already knew Russ, Hannah, and Adam. The whole time Aaron was standing there talking to them I was just standing there. Adam kept giving a look as if he wanted to kill me or something. I ask Aaron if we could go he asked me if anything was wrong I tell him no can we just go now. He says “yeah sure” and we go to our class. It is a couple hours later and the last class just ended. I'm at my locker when Aaron walks up and says “Heaven must be missing an angel because I just found one.” I say “hey Aaron” as I am laughing he ask if I would like to go out to dinner with just me and him I say yes. So when its time to leave school he takes me out to dinner we go to Mike’s Stake house. We are sitting at the table having the time of our lives when I have to go to get my purse out of Aarons truck. I leave my phone on the table and when I at his truck getting my purse my phone gets a text its that unknown number again. Aaron looks at the text he says to himself “that’s Adams number” it says “Next time I will do more than break your wrist" my phone back on the table. When I get back in I look at my phone he ask who is it to see if I would tell him I say “it is nobody important.” He ask if I'm ready to go I say “if your ready I am ready” we leave and he takes me home. I take Diana home and I am no heading to Adam’s house to have a little word with him about why he is texting that to Diana. I am furious about what he texted Diana but why would she not tell me about it. I mean I would understand her not wanting me to worry, but she should tell me if someone is threatening her. I just pulled up at Adam’s house he walks outside and says “Hey buddy what are you doing over here.” I walk up to Adam really fast and punch in the face and falls to the ground with a busted lip. I said “if you ever even look at Diana wrong again let a long threaten her I will do more than bust your lip I will kill you.” I go back to my truck and go to get in and say “oh and if you cant get along with Diana then don’t consider me your friend.” Then I get in and leave I go to Diana's house and we sit in her living room and watch a movie. She picked the movie “Carrie “ when she put the movie in she asked if she got scared would I hold her I say “yes.” I just put a movie in for me and Aaron to watch I picked a horror movie so if I get scared he could hold me. I love to be around Aaron he makes me feel so safe and secure. We were watching the movie and my phone went off it was another text. It was from unknown number again Aaron looked over at me it said “what got to get your bf to do your dirty work for you next time I see you well you better hope I don’t see you"

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