Chapter 7

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We get to my house and we are walking to the door and I start thinking again. I say to her “Diana” she turns around and looks at me “I love you.” She walks over to me puts her arms around my neck and she says “I love you to Aaron.” We kiss and we just sit there for a minute nose to nose. When we stop kissing she smiles as well as I “there is that beautiful smile I have been dying to see” I say she starts laughing. Her arms are still around my neck I put one arm behind her head and the other one behind her knees and pick her up. I tote her into my house and sit her on the couch we both start laughing. We are laid there with her in my arms talking and laughing lost in our own little world. She has fallen asleep in my arms I am lying there looking at her. Thinking about how I am going to tell Diana about me leaving in a couple of months. Diana starts to move around a little bit a holds me tighter I pull her in closer to me. I lie awake all night thinking about how to tell her then the sun comes up and Diana wakes up. I say “Hi there darling did you sleep well” she replies with “yes I did what about you Aaron?” I don’t want her to know that I didn’t sleep because she will think something is wrong so I say “I had you with me didn’t I?” She smiles and I fix her a cup of coffee while she gets dressed. Two months pass by and we are at my house getting ready for the school dance when I walk up to Diana and put a locket around her neck. She looks at it and says “Aaron I love it” I say “look on the back” she flips it over and looks at the words on the back it says “I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART LOVE, Aaron.” she says “I love you too” and we kiss she gets done getting dressed I take her hand and walk her to my truck. We are at the dance when a slow song comes on while we are dancing I finally get the heart to tell her. I say “Diana” ”yes” she replies I take a deep breath and say “I am leaving for Iraq in 2 days.” Diana starts to tear up and she says “Aaron please don’t go” I say “I am sorry I wish I didn’t have to go” as she starts to cry a little she says “Aaron please don’t leave me.” I then start to cry to as I say “ I am so sorry I have to go” I stop dancing and go and sit down. I start crying as Diana walks over I say to her “I am so sorry Diana I wish I didn’t have to go I don’t want to leave you.” We just sit there I am crying Diana is sitting there about to cry telling me that it is fine we will see each other soon. The dance is over and I am taking her home when I start crying again she is to sad to do anything but look at the floor board. We reach her house and I say “your home see you tomorrow” she says “no I am staying with you while I can.” I say “please do I need to see you before I go” she goes in and gets her stuff  and gets back in my truck. I ask her “will you write to me when I am gone” she replies with “baby you know I will.” We get to my house and we are just sitting on the couch so I ask her “do you want to watch a movie?” she says “no” that’s when I grab her and pull her closer in to me we both just lay there staring off into space. We both finally fall asleep and I am kind of there but not quite.


ok so I guess yall have seen the comment my mom put she says I need to finish it but I can take my time. so I will and it might take a while but I will finish it and yall might be wondering why she said A's mom its because I like to sign off all my A/N by the name of A. SO bye peeps love yall. ~A

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