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"Where have you been?" Maggie asks, as I rush over to the porch, grabbing my dry erase board and writing, "Fine. Got caught up by a couple of the infected." I lie, not wanting to worry Maggie or anyone else about the stranger. 

"Well, Rick and Lori are here and by tomorrow the rest of their group should be here. Apparently, they were out looking for a little girl." Maggie explains, making me think about what the stranger asked me. "Ok." I write, going inside and sneaking up to my room, passing the strangers on my way.

It is going to be one long day tomorrow. 

-----The Next Day-----

Chatter from downstairs awoke me. Sighing, I got out of my bed, slowly stumbling into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair, then taking a quick shower. I go back into my room, change into some new clothes, hurrying down stairs. Once i got down there, I was greeted by Rick, Lori, Dad and a person I've never met. 

"Morning Nicole." Dad greets, smiling up at me. I grin back, then turn my attention back to the others. "This is Rick and Lori, the little boy, Carl, parent's. And this is Shane." Dad explains, noticing the strange look i was giving them. I nod and wave at them, before heading outside, seeing a lot more people than i expected. 

I grab my dry erase  board and my red marker, making sure I have it with me. I really need more makers.

I make my way down to Rick's group, as I see Maggie there, talking to a guy. She didnt notice me at first, but the Korean kept glancing at me, making her turn around to see what he was looking at. 

"Oh you're up. Can you go feed the horses for me?" Maggie asks, wanting to get back to her conversation with the guy. I nod, but dont leave yet. Instead, I take the cap off of my marker and write, "Who's he?" Then turned it back around for Maggie to read.

"Oh, this is Glenn." Maggie smiles, gesturing to the shy guy, who was now blushing and awkwardly smiling at me. I nod and head off back towards the stables. I walk in, grabbing the horse feed and going to each stable feeding the horses. When I got to the last one, I noticed it was open. I pull out my bowie knife and silently open the stable door all the way, being greeted by the stranger from last night. He still hasn't noticed me. He's overlooking the horse, making me wonder what was going through his mind. I really wish I could talk, cause I would. Instead, I knocked on the side of the stable, making my presents known to the man.  

"Looks like we meet again." The man says, staring me down with curious eyes. I nod, making him roll his eyes. "Still not gonna talk?" He asks, his voice filled with annoyedness. I glare at him, before opening my marker and writing,

"Can't. Mute." Then turned it around for him to read, if he can do that. 

"Oh...." His voice trails off making me give him that 'yeah' face. I erase the words and start writing again. "What's your name?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Daryl. Yours?" He answers/asks. "Nicole." I write, then sign it like I did last night. 

"What are you doing?" Daryl asks, studying my movements. "Sign language."

"I don't have time for this." Daryl's growles, his mood changing instantly. Bipolar? "What?" I ask, wondering why he hates me all of a sudden.

"I've got fucking little girl to find. I can't be wasting my time on you." Daryl snaps, storming out of the stable, leaving me with the horses. What the fuck??? 

I roll my eyes. I walk out of the stable and make sure to close it, don't want the horse getting out. I walk back out of the stables, finding some of Rick's group hunched over a map. I walk over to them, as I see Jimmy there, wandering what they are planning.

"Have you ever used one?" Rick askes Jimmy, as I came over.

"No, but if i'm going out there i want one." Jimmy argues, making me roll my eyes. He's a good kid, but can be very stupid at times.

"And people in hell want slurpees." Daryl stated, loading his crossbow. A weird noise, that was supposed to be a laugh, exceeded out from my mouth, making them look at me. 

"Need something Nicole?" Rick asked. I nod and sign, 'I want to help'. Rick smiles and nods. "Does Hershel know?" Rick asks. I nod, lieing, of course dad doesn't know, he wouldn't let me. 

"What did she say?" Daryl asks, giving me and Rick a very confused face. 

"She wants to help. And since you don't have no one with you, she can go with you." Rick explains making Daryl and i, glare at each other.

"I don't want this bitch slowing me down. I do better on my own." Daryl snaps at Rick. I grab my board and write, "Oh boo-fucking-hoo. Cry me a river, build a damn bridge and get the hell over it." I got a very surprised look from Rick and Shane, Daryl just huffed and rolled his eyes. My dad is very religious, but i ain't as much as him. 

"Fine. You want to help? Go tell your father im taking a horse." Daryl snaps, storming past me. This is one time that i wish i could speak. Just cause im mute, doesnt mean im fucking useless! I chase after Daryl, grabbing his arm and stopping him. "What, Nicole? What?" He asks, very annoyed by me and him having to let me help. I hurriedly write, not wanting him to walk off again. "Im coming with you and that's Finale, Daryl "

"Fine, whatever." Daryl growles, continuing making his way back to the stables. I follow behind him, until we get into the stables. I go to Midnight while Daryl gets on Nelly, as in Nervous Nelly. I shake my head at Daryl, telling him not that one. 

"Why?" Daryl asks. Can't he just listen to me without having to ask why?? I start writing again when Daryl starts to saddle up Nelly, making me shake my head. Dumbass. "Thats Nelly. As in Nervous Nelly. She'll buck you off." I write, but if course Daryl doesnt fucking listen.

"Don't have time for this." Daryl snaps, before getting on Nelly and rushing out of the stables, soon followed by me. 

This isn't going to end well. I can feel it.

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