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"You know, maybe this new world isn't so bad." Eden shrugged, turning towards me. 

"You're right, but I miss alot of the old word things."

"Like?" Eden asked, "I miss my friends and pets." 

"Better medical care, being able to not always fear for our life's." I write, my fingers cramping from all this writing.

"Me too, but we're making it. How's the baby?" Eden smiled, glancing down at my stomach. 

"She's ready to burst out of there." I sigh, running my hands over my belly- feeling her kick. 

"Is Denise delivering her?"

"I hope so." Scribbling it down like I was a doctor. 

"Your hands hurt don't they?" She frowned, jumping up from my dining chairs. I nodded, laying down my board. "Well, I'll see you later Nicole." Eden smiled, walking out of my back door. She didn't even shut the door completely.  

"Ugh." I groan, feeling a slight pain in my stomach. Waddling to the door, the pain quit and I relaxed. Strange.

Before I closed the door, Carol popped out of nowhere. She was holding a pan of cookies. 

"Hey! I made cookies and was wondering if you wanted some? I have some tea made back at my place if you want some." She smiled, lifting the pan in a suggestive motion. 

"Tempting, but i'm not sure i can hold it down." I sign, watching her nod.

"Are you two feeling okay?" Carol asked.

"I think so, got a random pain though." I explain, watching worry pile onto her features. 

"Maybe when Denise gets done with the newcomers, go see her." She offered an idea

"I'm okay." I promise, rubbing my hand over my stomach, remembering everything that happened to Lori. 

"Okay, if it happens again, please go see her." She nods, walking away. 

I shut and lock the door, walking into the living room. I need something to clean. The clothes are washed, bed made, weapons sharpened, bags ready- nothing needed done currently. Sitting down, another pain hit. It's not even really a pain, it's more of an uncomfortable tensing. God, I miss Daryl. I wonder where he is? Is he okay? Is everyone okay? Am I okay? Is the baby okay? Why did he have to leave? Leave me and the baby? We just got engaged! Yeah, we did! God, I love this man. 

I'm a mess.

I'm going to see Denise. I need to see how the puppy is. 

Walking was a struggle. Swollen feet, sore hands, a minute stroll turning into a whole journey. 

'How long will I have to be like this? When will my baby be here?' 

The doctors/nursery came in sight, making me waddle faster, pushing my aching body to feel even worse. Nobody was outside, just our 'newcomers' bus. We find them, bring them here, then allow them to stay on the bus while we set up housing. I'm basically a huge penguin.

"YOU CAN'T TAKE MY AXE!" Someone yelled, basically the female version of  Spencer. 

"It's not forever, just till we see you're not a threat." 

"NO!" She screeched.

"Kay, please." Another stranger sighed.

I burst through the door, wondering who was here. Denise turned to me, pursed lips and an evident 'i'm done with this' look. I forced an awkward grin and she nodded.

"You okay?" She asked, looking for a way out of this mess. 

I shrug, feeling stupid for not bringing my stuff to write. Everyone's attention was on me, but I ignored it. Denise waved me over to go with her to her office. I followed, taking my usual seat on her tan couch.

"Here." Denise handed me a notepad and pen, "How are you feeling?" 

"Decent, having random pains." 


"Stomach" I scribbled, watching her eyes widen.  

"Oh no, please don't have contractions." She didn't actually beg me, but more of my stomach.

"I hope not." I'm slowly starting to panic.

"How far apart are your pains?"

"Minutes to hours?" I shrug, not really sure.

"We'll need to keep an eye on you. Try to keep time of when they come again." She advised, taking a seat next to me. "These new people are a hassle. Like, I know they don't trust us but they agreed to come on our terms. Now one is throwing a fit over her weapons." She explained, shaking her head. 

"I heard. They'll be okay tho." I try comforting her. "Is Daryl back?"

"I know and yeah. He went to the mess hall to pick up some items." She smiled, glancing down at my hands sitting on my bump. "Wait- are you two engaged?!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hand, staring at the ring.

"YES!" I smile, admiring my ring.

"When's the wedding?!"

"We haven't planned it, we just got engaged!"

"You're so lucky, Nicole!" Dines teared up, "A family!"

"Everything is becoming ok. We deserve this!"

Boasting? Yes.

She nodded, saying no more. 

Denise and I sat in silence, listening to the new people go at it with each other. It's honestly just a jumbled mess. You'd think they... Where am  I going with this? I can't remember. 

"What are you thinking so hard about?" She broke our silence.

I pointed at the door. She nodded, "I think I should go help now. You're welcome to join the party." She painfully chuckled, getting up and going to the door. I raise my eyebrows and shake my head.

No way in hell.

I follow, wobbling behind her, listening to the ever growing  gibberish getting louder. "GOD DAMN IT K, STOP! WE NEED THIS HELP!" A man yells, making everyone dead silent. I freeze, tensing at the man's anger. 

"Fine, take them!" The girl, K, huffs tossing a heavy object somewhere.

I avoid eye contact, rushing to get out of there. I don't need to deal with this right now. Daryl. Find Daryl. 

I waddle as fast as I can, slowly making my way to the mess hall. Laughter erupts from within. I walk in and am greeted with Carol giving out her cookies and tea along with Spencer telling some corny jokes. 

"A toast to my little brother Darlena and his wonderful fianceé Nicole." Merle shouts, toasting with some tea. Everyone laughs and toast with him, congratulating us. I think there's more in his drink than just tea. 

"Hey babe." Daryl wraps around me, kissing my head. Safety. 

I smile. "We need to talk." I sign, coming to terms that i'm in labor.

"What about?"

"I'm in labor Daryl."

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