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He firmly held the books he borrowed to his chest as he pushed the door open with his back. "Ah Junmyeon," said the librarian as she stood up from her seat and took his books. "Surprised?" he questions teasingly and the librarian smiled and walked back behind the counter, "Have any recommendations?" he asked and she held up a finger and took a piece of paper out of a book and extended her arm out. "The book club recommended these and they asked why won't you just join?" she says and he smiles at her. "You know my job requires me to be up and ready to leave when it's time," he says and she nods. "Well go on then," she says and he bows and reads the first book off the list. 

He walks around and his eyes end up landing on a girl with a short honey brown bob. He turns away and looks back to his list and sighs when he can't find another copy of the first book on the list. He continues his search for the next book. He walks to another shelf and then finds himself staring at the girl reading. She looks up in his direction with a surprised face to find him staring, he quickly looks to the shelf in front of him and then walks off. "I couldn't be anymore of a creep," he mutters to himself and runs a hand through his hair. 

It felt like he had been searching for hours till he gave up, none of the books on the list where available. He takes a seat at a table when he sees the girl again but she is holding 3 books and trying to reach another. To help or mind my own business, he thought and before he knew it he was standing in front of her. "Which book?" he asked and she pointed to the one on the top shelf to the left. "Here you go," he says and hands her the book, she smiles and bows before walking away. 

Junmyeon confusedly chases after her and taps her shoulder, she spins around and they stand there till he breaks the silence. "I'm Junmyeon," he says and smiles and she looks from him to somewhere else and back to him. She then pulls her phone out and types something and hands it to Junmyeon. He takes it and reads the one sentence that explained enough.

I have been deaf since I was 18. Sorry I haven't responded, but my name is Lilly. 

He looks up from the screen and to Lilly who smiles small and then glances at her watch. He types on her phone and then hands it back. 

I'm Junmyeon.

Lilly smiles and then types on her phone quickly and hands it back. 

                           Hello Junmyeon..I would like to talk more but I am late for dinner with pals.

Junmyeon nods his head and hands the phone back. Lilly puts it away and waves quickly as she leaves the library. 

As for Junmyeon he watches her fading figure and then rushes over to the librarian. "Did you find everything?" she asks but then takes notice of his empty arms, "Do you have any books on how I can learn to sign?" he asks her and she is quiet for a second. "Um..yes! It should be in the Language section!" she says and he rushes away before he hears his name again. "You met Lilly," the librarian says and Junmyeon turns around and nods his head slowly. The older lady smiles and they both go back to what they are doing.


2 Months Later

Junmyeon waited for her to walk in at any moment. He had been practicing day and night, he wasn't fluent but he managed to learn to sign 'Hello' and ask 'How are you doing?' and some others but his nerves and memory would be a big test. Ever since meeting Lilly he hoped to bump into her from time to time but he was busy and when he did come she never showed. Now it was a guessing game of when she would walk in. 

Junmyeon heard the librarian talk and he sat up in his chair and tried to make it look like he was lost in a novel. When he looked up he saw Lilly from a distance her short bob tied in a little pony tail. She was walking over to the same spot that he had seen her at. She then sat down and pulled a book out of her purse and went to reading. Junmyeon tried to remember how the sign went and practiced and practiced till he got it off the bat. He stands up and makes his way over to the unsuspecting Lilly. 

To get her attention he taps her shoulder and she looks up, she smiles as she sees him and he signs 'Hello' then he signs 'How are you?' Lilly's smile gets bigger as she watches him sign. She signs back a 'Ok' but then pulls her phone out because then Junmyeon looked defeated as he couldn't remember what else to sign. 

You are learning sign?

She types and shows the man in front of her. Junmyeon smiles and types away as he takes a seat in front of her. 

Yes and it's a great challenge!

He types back showing her and she laughs. Junmyeon smiles as he watches her light up in front of him. 

I can help you:)

She types back and he nods and puts a thumbs up. He then pulls out his own phone and opens the contacts. He hands his phone over and Lilly takes it, when she finishes putting her number in she does the same but to Junmyeon. 

Junmyeon then opens his notes and begins to type.


It reads and she nods, she places her book into her bag and both leave the library with smiles.


Junmyeon woke up and looked to his right side, there laid his wife of 4 years Lilly. He smiles as he watches her still sleeping away, thinking of how lucky he is to be with someone as amazing and beautiful. 

Junmyeon is pulled out of staring at his lovely wife when the baby monitor goes off. Junmyeon slips out of their bed and softly makes his way over to one year-old Daesuk. "Goodmorning my little man," Junmyeon says as he reaches in for the little baby who was munching on his hand. The baby smiles as he recognizes his dad, Junmyeon turns around and sees Lilly standing there with a smile. She makes her way over an the baby screeches seeing his mom. Junmyeon smiles widely as he take in the sight of his lovely family. 

'Goodmorning' he signs to his wife and she smiles and kisses his cheek softly. Then they both look to their beautiful baby boy who smiles and continues munching on his hand. 

This is Us* Vol 1*Where stories live. Discover now