Chapter 43 - I Seem To Be Struck By You

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  • Dedicated to Mariana

A/N: Yo. Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I honestly get caught up in writing this story and imagining new scenes and what's gonna happen next that I forget to edit what I've already written :P whoopsie.

I'm currently in Minnesota waiting to go to my first concert and I'm fLIPPING OUT ENTIRELY LIKE??????!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?? WHAT DO???? HOW LIVE???? (I'm going to see Bastille by the way, will I see any of you there???? That would be so cool.)

Dedicated to Mariana on Twitter (sorry I don't know your wattpad name) who reminded me to update and is a generally awesome person :D You buddies can follow me on Twitter too, if you'd like :) my name is @DAMMITDALTON, don't be afraid to say hi!

~Grace xx



Clothed in girl boxers and one of Louis' huge shirts that was even too big for him and went halfway down my thighs, I pulled up the duvet and hopped into the warm bed.

Louis and I had spent the day working on songs. Everyone had come over for a bit and polished them off, but mostly we wanted to settle into our new living quarters. Louis insisted on cleaning out a drawer for me in his room even though I was perfectly fine with leaving my stuff in my suitcase or in the guest bedroom. He was very adamant about me living with him in every sense of the word. It was nice being able to take such a big step in theory, even though it was only to record our music. I had a feeling Louis and I would work well together under one roof.

A few minutes later after rolling onto my side, I felt the bed dip behind me, and the shining light on the bedside table made a click sound, filling the room with navy blue darkness.

For a moment Louis and I were silent. We weren't even touching in the bed, a foot between us.

"Can I cuddle you?" I heard my boyfriend ask. What a stupid question.

"What do you think I'm doing, waiting here in the perfect little spoon position?" I replied, earning a chuckle. “But yes, thank you for asking.” His gentlemanly ways were adorable.

The sound of shuffling fabric tickled my ears, and I soon felt Louis' arms wrap securely around my waist, his heat radiating into me. I took a deep breath contently as our feet tangled together.

"Your toes are cold," Louis mumbled with a silly and sleepy tone.

"Your toes are warm," I said in return, giggling.

As Louis' and my skin melted together perfectly, bodies pressed against each other giving a feeling of protection. His fingers were lightly pinching the fabric of my shirt, hands moving to my stomach. That was a habit of his, I'd noticed; he twiddled the hems of clothing when he was tired.

Suddenly I felt very self-conscious as his hand pressed flat against my stomach. Immediately I sucked in my gut out of habit, trying to act natural.

Louis froze in his spot and whispered into my ear softly, "Stop that."

"What do you mean?" I responded, playing the dumb card. I hated doing that.

"Don't suck in your stomach." Louis said, his voice more serious and awake.

I remained quiet, unsure of a good answer. My silence caused Louis to angle up and over my shoulder so he could look me in the eyes, only able to find them in the dim beams of moonlight coming through the blinds of the window.

"You don't need to do that." Louis stated firmly but gently. "You're perfect the way you are, and I don't want you to edit yourself for any reason; especially not for me."

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