Chapter 47 - Sisterly Instinct

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^^^If you understand that reference I love you.


~Grace The Goat xx



“You need to get some more sleep,” Louis said to me as we plopped onto seats of the plane. We’d been flown out to Los Angeles for another interview, but were returning the day after, before the girls and I even had a chance to explore. Although I most likely would have been too tired to explore for long.

I always found traveling exhilarating and energising, but the only experiences I’d had, lasted ten hours at most, and were always by car or train, never by plane. Usually answering questions about myself and about The Cover Girls was easy, but recently it had become difficult. I found myself questioning whether or not I was saying the correct thing, and if what I was saying was something that I want to be shared with the world. It was a lot harder than I could have ever imagined.

“I just can’t stop thinking for long enough to sleep,” I murmur, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“You know, living this life, it makes you feel like you’re on a neverending adrenaline rush,” Louis replied, “You start to convince yourself that you can just keep going, without pausing to take care of yourself.”

“I do that anyway,” I laughed sadly.

“I know that,” He kissed my forehead, “Which is why you need to be especially careful to remember that you’re only human, and you need rest.”

His words twirled around my mind like a whisp of smoke. I went silent, for apparently long enough that Louis checked to see if I was okay.

Sitting up quickly, I grabbed a notebook out of my backpack.

“April, did you not hear anything I just said?” Louis asked, sounding slightly frustrated.

“Louis, let me tell you something about myself. The only way I can get to sleep is if I either exercise my brain or get out all the thoughts that won’t go away,” I turned and looked him straight in the eyes with a grin, “and luckily you just gave me a way to do both.”

With a blue pen I wrote the word “Human” at the top of the page. I could feel Louis’ gaze but pushed the feeling away, writing down the first thing that came to mind.

I became so caught up in writing and humming that I didn’t even realize when Louis fell asleep. Suddenly I looked over and saw his eyes closed, his lips pursed, and earbuds blocking out the sounds of wind outside the giant metal contraption we sat in. My eyes picked over the tops of seats to find most people were quietly snoozing around us, including everyone in my gang, except for Liam.

Pulling out my phone, I texted him. Having a hard time sleeping?

A little. You? I received his reply within the minute.

Yeah. I got caught up with something. Do you need anything? A drink? A pillow? A snuggle?

A moment after the text sent I heard a light chuckled from Liam’s row. Quietly, I snuck the notebook into my bag and slowly zipped it shut before leaning comfortably back against the seat.

No, but thanks April. Get some sleep, yeah? You deserve a good rest.

Okay. Thanks Liam :) Goodnight buddy.

Nighty night.

I sighed, squishing into my soft pillow. I had the best friends in the world, the best family in the world, the best boyfriend in the world, and the best job in the world. I really couldn’t be luckier.

Yet, I didn’t feel so lucky.


“What time is it here?” Erin asked, yawning. Our plane had just landed in the London airport and we were collecting our bags from the overhead cabinets.

“I think it’s around midnight,” I replied, giving her a side hug. She always got pretty stressed out if she stayed up too late.

We all lugged ourselves out of the plane and headed towards the airport. As we were nearing it I could see a large crowd through the glass walls- larger than I’d ever seen in an airport. It didn’t dawn on me, what was going on, until Liam opened the door for us and I could hear the screaming.

“Ugh, not again,” I murmured, holding firmly onto Louis’ hand with my free one. For a moment I wondered how the hell so many fangirls would know where One Direction would be and at one time, until I realized that if I lived even remotely close to where they did, I would be doing the same thing.

Within seconds we were swallowed by the mass of girls. It was way bigger than the first time we’d arrived here, so big I questioned whether or not the people around us would be able to squeeze their way through to get to their plane.

Screams and shouts were thrown around, many of them asking who we were. I simply kept my head down and tried to fight off a headache, until I noticed something ahead of me.

A group of fans had somehow gotten through our wall of security and were beginning to devour Liam. Erin was about to back away when they started closing in on her, screaming questions in her face and wildly reaching to grab onto her. Erin’s head whipped around and in a second I saw that look in her hazel eyes, along with a few tears. I’d seen it multiple times, whenever she was beginning to get extremely claustrophobic.

“BACK OFF OF HER!” I screeched at the top of my lungs, shoving myself forward until I was next to Erin. She was breathing heavily and I glanced around to find Liam was calmly trying to get back to us from where he’d been pushed away from our circle. I wrapped my arm tightly around Erin’s waist, and used the other to meagerly cover my eyes from camera flashes.

I saw a girl shove her hands in our direction, gripping the fabric of Erin’s shirt, ripping it. That was the final straw, when my sisterly instincts kicked in.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” I yelled again, this time at the girl, “SHE’S A HUMAN BEING, NOT A PUNCHING BAG! BACK THE FUCK OFF!”

During the chaos we managed to make our way to the door of the airport, and our group shot forward to the car waiting for us. It took a minute to inch our way out of the crowd with help from the security guards. When were finally seated in the car, I enveloped Erin in my arms, rubbing her back while she tried to take deep breaths and calm down.

“Shhh, Erin, it’s okay babe, you’re okay,” I whispered comfortingly.

I looked around to find everyone in the watching us worriedly, silently asking if she was okay with the expression on their faces. I mouthed the word “Claustrophobic” to Liam as he stared at us from the other side of Erin. He looked completely alarmed, like he had no idea what he could do to help, and he hated it.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Erin said quietly, sitting up.

“Are you sure?” Liam asked her with a small voice.

“Yeah,” She replied, leaning into his arm.

Everybody sat in silence, partly from exhaustion, and partly because no one knew what to say. I mean, what could you say? Sorry, but you’re just going to have to get over it, considering you’re dating an internationally famous popstar and are apart of a band that is now in the public eye?

It pissed me off that there was nothing I could do to help my best friend. However at the same time, I knew I would have to get used to this feeling of helplessness if I ever wanted to become a professional singer.


A/N: If you know the name of the muppet on the sidebar comment it and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you :P I GOTTA LOOK OUT FOR MY MUPPET HOMIES, YA FEEL?

~Grace The Forever Goat xx

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