"We were both told that an asteroid hit our houses but when I looked at the ruble I found bomb fragments. Its not much of a lead but at least I got one. Also you will being paid for this $15 a day plus during the trip you will have a place to sleep, food and any other necessary things." he proclaimed.

  Wow $15 a day plus no spending during the trip this is an offer I cant refuse.

"When do I start?" I beamed.

  A smile comes to his face.           


  Tyler rented me a room across the hall from his, we will be heading out tomorrow to go to somewhere called base.  I get in the shower once I say bye to  Tyler. Im in there for about an hour, but I dont care it's been forever since I had a proper shower. After I get back in my clothes I get in the bed. It feels wonderful on my back, it is extremely comfortable so before I can think about what I just got in to I'm asleep.  


  I was wearing a long black dress, my hair was only shoulder length and tears were running down my face. I was dreaming about my parents funeral again, when ever I dream it is always about my memories. Most of the time when I have this dream I just cry but this time I noticed that there are guys in black suits, they all look the same; all black hair and sunglasses. They are talking in hushed voices while looking and pointing at me. Tyen they start walking towards me, when my adoptive parents come over and start telling me about how they're going to adopt me.        ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆  

 As I wake up I feel better than I've felt in years. I walk out the door at the same time as Tyler and he suggest we get breakfast. The hotel serves breakfast so we eat here. I fill my plate with bacon, eggs, grits, and a bagel. The food is scrumptious but I can barely taste it because im eating it so fast. I can't remember the last time I ate breakfast, when I had the choice I always skipped it.  When we are done eating we go to Tyler's room to further explain what we are going to be doing. His room was clean yesterday but as I walk in it looks like a tornado wiped though it.

"So I should probably explain  the room. I only ever told my family this but I know you have powers too so I can tell you....    


◆= someone is sleeping

●= I'm talking

*= time passes

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