Usually I dont do messages before but I would just like to inform you that this chapter is basically one big conversation so it will be written different.



Rick:Why dont we start with introductions. I will go first, My name is Richard. You can call me Rick though.

Raven:My name is Raven. Shouldn't you already know this, why dont you tell us why you have captured us!

Rick: Calm down I will get to that, I am just trying to be friendly.

Raven: Friendly! Friendly! You attacked owr home and abducted us! That is not very friendly!

Rick: Just calm down we will get to the reason I brought you here and why I brought you here the waay that I did, in time. But first you have had a long trip would you like some dinner?

Raven: I wouldn't eat something from you if my life depended on it.

Rick: Sute your self. Now about how I brought you here. I knew you were not the most trusting buch and if you knew I am the one who gave you your powers than you probably would have not have came willingly and the fight would have been worse so the way i brought you was better.

Raven: Your right we would have fought better and we would have gotten away. Wich sounds good to me, but why do you need us?

Rick: Why dont I start with why I needed you in the first place.

Raven: I already know why you need us in the first place. You needed us for an some kind of super solder thing for the war in Australia.

Rick: Please that was just my way to get sponsors. I was never going to send you over seas.

Raven: Then what were you going to use us for?

Rick: Im gitting to that. You see about a year after I got married I was down in the basement of my house experimenting in the basement, when my wife came down the stairs. At the time my wife and I had just found out that she was pregnant but the baby might not make it, and could die before it was even born. It was sad but I did not know about any thing like that so there was nothing I could do. What I was down there doing was trying to find a way to enhance the human body. When she came down the stairs thow it distracted me and I accidentally added in something that made it airborne. I was safe because I had a mask on but my wife didn't. I drove her to the hospital imidently but it didn't matter how fast I got her there thow. A week later we where still in the hospital and something started to change in my wife, and the baby. Months past and what I had exposed her to had her in a comma like state,  they said the baby was fine and would most likely make it but that my wife had less than 1% chance to make it though labor.  The baby did make it but my wife didn't.

Raven: This is sad and all but what does it have to with us.

Rick: I am getting to that. The stuff that my wife was exposed to didn't kill the baby it gave it the power over earth. I wanted to experiment more so I got two volunteers, the parents of your friends. I injected the  serum in there bellys so they would not die like my wife. They said they would inform me when there babys were we almost due. I never heard back from them but before I knew I would not hear from them again I had created a new serum that was better and the power could be enhanced after the baby was about  15 or 16. That is when your parents came in they were my volunteers for that. Just like I said earlier I never heard back from any of them, so I took action.

Raven: Killing them is taken action! Why didn't you just shoot them with those dart things that you shot us with and then you could have taken us! *Jumps out of chair, palms out and gets ready to attack.*

Rick: Now that is not a very good idea, I would hate to hurt your friends.

Raven: *sits down with fist balled*

Rick: You see if we took you your parents would have us arrested and we couldn't have that. I killed the girls parents first but her aunt and uncle adopted her and we lost track of he. After a few years we found you but we lost track of you when you ran. Then we found the boy and killed his parents, but we didn't lose track of him. We waited a little while before we took him and it turned out perfectly. But you see it isn't them I need it is you I am interested in because I am not done with you. *brigs needle out of pocket and sticks it in to Ravens arm.*

Raven:*passes out*


This is the only chapter that will be like this.  If you have any questions I love feedback.




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