Chapter 1

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"Father, I wish to go and meet my friend now."

"No, my child, it is not safe at this time of the day."

Diana peeked outside and saw that it was sun down and the day was ending. Father was right. This was definitely not the time to go out but she still wanted to explore the adventures of the night.

"Nothing will happen to me, Father."

"Sweetheart, it's not safe." Diana's father responded. "You know the stories about the night."

Diana sighed in frustration. It always went back to these stupid stories she has been hearing ever since she was growing up in this castle.

"Father, I am not a child anymore. Please?" She tried one last time.

"Enough Diana! You will not roam the streets of this kingdom at this hour and that's final."

Diana lowered her eyes to the ground as she realized there was no way her Father would be convinced to let her visit her friend at this time.

She smiled sadly and made her way to her room at the end of the hall. She knew her father was just trying to protect her. But still, a little freedom wouldn't hurt. And since she has turned nineteen last month, it was bound to happen that her Father would allow her to explore the outside world, not in this lifetime anyway.

"I hate this place so much!" Diana slammed the polished wooden door of her room shut.

She let out a big sigh and reach for her book on the side table. Reading was her escape. It brought her to another era where she was free and contented. Exploring different phases of life and the real world.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and she glanced at the intruder seeing her maid servant entered the room with a tray of food.

"The King has sent your dinner Milady," The servant replied. "Do you wish to eat alone or have my company?"

"Stay Martha," Diana smiled.

"Very well." She replied brushing a few strands of her brown hair streaked with lines of silver from her face. Martha was somewhere in her mid fifties but she had the body of a young adult. She has been working at the castle since she was a child. Her loyalty was beyond measure and for that, she was respected by all.

"Martha," Diana placed her fork on the side of the tray.

"Yes Milady?"

"What happens if one chooses to go out late at night?" Diana questioned taking a sip of the lovely juice made by the servants.

"Milady, you very well know what can happen." Martha responded fixing the books on the mini shelf placed near the wall in the corner of the room.

"I know but.... Is it that dangerous why everyone fears to go out when the sun sets?"

Martha paused and placed her hand on her hips, thinking how to tell her future Queen of the dangers that the night really holds.

"It is not something the people of our kingdom speaks about Milady." Martha spoke in a stern voice. "The night is a time of day where the strangest of things occurs. We the people of Asaelia, speak not of such stories behind it. For the night holds one's death in its hands. "

Diana spoke no further on the matter and quickly finished her dinner wanting to get back to her reading.

"Tell Father goodnight."

"Yes Milady," Martha replied taking up the tray and heading to the door.

"And goodnight to you too." Diana got into her nightgown pretending to get ready for bed.

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