Chapter 17

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Solerah was sitting with her laptop, pretending to type up a report as she peered over the screen watching Betty and Bruce interact. The awkwardness had eventually ebbed away in favour of their mutual love for science and past connection. They spoke about chemistry and science and who knows what! Solerah didn't like it but she also knew she was being silly. They were just talking, they were just catching up and soon Betty would be gone and everything would go back to normal.

Solerah started to actually TRY to type up the report she was meant to do. Her easedropping was practically useless because she didn't understand half the nonsense they were talking about anyway.

Finally her attention picked back up when Betty started avidly talking about Bruce's cure attempts. They started discussing his attempts and failures and how each time hypothetically bought him closer to the cure he so desperately chased after. Betty seemed ecstatic about getting rid of the Hulk and that made Solerah frown. She hated how Bruce talked about him, she didn't need another person on his side.

After 20 minutes of what seemed to be what she could only describe as solid Hulk hating Solerah finally stood. That was all she could stands and she can't stands no more.

"Stop it." She walked towards them as they looked at her.

"What?" Betty asked with a quizzical frown.

"Stop talking about Hulk like that."

Betty looked as if what she had just said was incomprehensible.

"Well excuse me for wanting that thing out of Bruce's life."

"He's NOT a thing!"

"Can I say something...?" Bruce awkwardly tried to pipe up.

"No shut up." Solerah turned to half glare at him so he raised his hands defensively and backed off slightly from the two women.

"It's not fair. What happened to Bruce wasn't fair but it happened. I accept that and I want to be there for him because I don't want him to face this alone."

"And you think I didn't?!" Betty squared her shoulders, standing tall and ready to defend herself.

Professional Wild Star!

The words echoed through her head so she bit the inside of her cheek and held her tongue. She took a deep breath to try and calm down as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Look I'm sorry, l apologise, I was being out of line and rude." She adjusted herself and stepped backwards, gritting her teeth. "I'm going to go and get some snacks." She needed to leave the room before she exploded. Maybe eat some cake.

"Uh I'm not hungry." Bruce finally spoke up, that being the only thing he could think to say.

"When was the last time you had something to eat?"


"Exactly Bruce, you're going to eat." With that she left, quickly and dignified, trying to responsible and the better person.

Betty laughed humourlessly after Solerah left. "She really takes care of you. Doesn't she?"

"It's not like I asked her too." Bruce frowned, staring at the door. "She just does." Bruce actually wished he could do more to take care of Solerah as well but given the circumstances there didn't seem to be much he could do.

They stood in the lab in silence. The air was thick and heavy.

Betty finally spoke, picking up and reading one of his data journals. "I can't believe she defended that monster."

"Yeah..." Bruce cringed, monster. That's what he was. As long as he had the Hulk inside of him he'd always be a monster. "I'll get rid of him soon. I'm close." Or atleast he believed he was close, he had to be.

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