Chapter 33

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This chapter is a little different! All in Bruce's point of view/thoughts! This also marks the ending of my series! Fear not though! I'm gonna post a sequel of course! I'll post one more chapter with a link to the sequel. Their story is no where near finished! Though this next arc will probably be one of the hardest trials they will face!



Solerah and Bruce were sitting side by side on a train, Solerah looking out the window at the rapidly changing views. "I'm gonna miss Rick and Marlo." Solerah said as she leaned against the window. "Me too." Bruce replied while reading a travel book, mapping out their next destination, only half paying attention to her.



"Stop thinking you don't deserve to be happy."

This made Bruce look up from his book and at Solerah, taking note of her serious expression.

"How did you-"

"Rick told me."

"... Of course he did."

"You aren't some terrible irredeemable human. You are the most amazing, most wonderful, most perfect being I've ever met." Solerah said finally looking away from the window and towards Bruce.

"Nobodies perfect Sol, especially not me." Bruce was quick to dismiss her.

"That's not it." Solerah shook her head slowly. "You're perfect to me. Perfectly imperfect and perfectly suited to me."

"Is perfect starting to sound weird to you?" Bruce said with pathetic grin, trying to derail the conversation.

"I wish you could understand how great I think you are... I love you more then I ever thought I could love someone."

Bruce remained silent for the moment when Solerah didn't give up on her point. "I'll try."

"You mean it?" She perked up and Bruce gave a stiff nod.

"Yeah." He could try right? For her at least.


Bruce felt more and more like he was cursed. He tried to keep a positive outlook and he did well changing his perspective about the good things he had but he still felt like a gambler on the wrong end of the betting table. The stakes were too high and the prize too low. It started out with small things, his lips were numb, his nose tingled and some nights his left hand twitched so badly he couldn't even do something as simple as screw the lid of the tooth paste cap back on. He did his best to ignore all these symptoms, surely just caused by nerves, bought on by his own worry. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he knew something was wrong.

Come on Banner, you're a smart guy.

And it was true, he was smart. If he was one to brag he would say he was very smart. So Bruce would be smart enough to handle this right? Surely it would go away in time. He didn't need to bring it up to Solerah and worry her. Even though he knew that she knew something was wrong with him. Bruce wasn't about to admit it. After all, it was nothing. It was definitely NOT what he thought it was. He just needed to keep going. Keep traveling. Even though he wouldn't fully admit it to himself, he still steered their travel into the right direction just in case.

Don't look back.

Don't be scared.

Stay calm.

You aren't allowed to be scared Bruce.

He couldn't. Not like normal people. The odds were already stacked so high against him. When he got scared that could lead to agitation. When he got agitated that lead to anger. All that rage and fear he kept pent up ever since he was a little kid. It all comes flying out, a thousand times magnified. He was like a bomb and when he went off buildings crumble and people die.


Bruce turned off the bathroom light after quietly having another coughing fit and padded back to bed and got in, careful not to wake Solerah. He pulled the blanket over her, making sure she stayed warm. After all she was the metaphorical pliers in his life. The one thing he could count on to defuse the bomb that was himself.

After all, that's all you are...

A big green bomb...

Just ticking away...

More of a monster then a man now...


"Bruuuuuuuuuce~ Solerah called, trying to gain his attention.

Bruce snapped out of thoughts and looked at her, to see her frowning at him. "Hmm?"

"You have that look on your face." She pouted.

"What look?"

"That self hatey look."

"I do not."

"Do too!"

"No I don't Solerah." Bruce said firmly.

"Come on BB, you look much more handsome when you smile!"

That made a small shy smile tug onto his face, causing Solerah to grin back at him. "There you go!" She leaned sideways to kiss his cheek. "Much better."

Seeing Solerah's bright smile he tried to rid himself of those thoughts. That's right. He had a reason to keep fighting, a reason to keep going, a reason not to loose and he would keep his promise to her. He wrapped his arm around Solerah, bringing her close as he looked past her out the bus window.

After about 20 minutes Bruce's symptoms were starting to flare about again and he did everything to keep himself calm and under control. His eyes darted around the bus, feeling more and more closed in. He was sweating and he couldn't keep from holding in his coughing. Solerah turned away from the window towards him and her eyes widened in worried as she saw the state of him.

"Bruce?" She reached to touch his face, concern laced in her voice.

He felt bile raise in his stomach, he couldn't breath! He needed to get out! He quickly stood and moved down the bus to the front, with Solerah trailing behind him calling his name in worry.

"Stop the bus!" He said frantically to the driver, causing the man to look at Bruce with a sneer. "I-I need to get off here please." Bruce said more embarrassed after realising how much attention he drew.

"Whatever man." The driver scoffed and slowed the bus to a stop, opening the doors and allowing Bruce to quickly exit.

Solerah followed him into the heavy rain and called his name once again when she saw him topple over onto the ground. "Bruce?!" She dropped to her knees beside him and placed her hands on his shoulders as he threw up the contents of his stomach.

Solerah rubbed his back and did her best to ease him through his sickness. He was shaking as he turned to her, grasping her hand tightly.

"I'm-I'm sick Sol-Solerah." Bruce stuttered and Solerah wasn't sure if it was due to the chill of the rain or from his apparent illness.

"I-I thought you couldn't get sick?" She asked nervously, her mind was racing and her heart was hammering in her chest but she needed to be brave. She needed to be strong to solve whatever was wrong. Bruce needed her.

He shook his head, droplets of water falling from his hair. "I think-I think I'm really sick..."

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