Chapter 5

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Solerah walked down the familiar corridor, stack of papers and folders in hand and on her way to file them. She hummed to herself happily as she went on her way.

Bruce turned the corner and smiled when he saw her skipping down the hall. He closed the case of his tablet and raised his arm about to call her name.

"Solerah!" An agent with wispy blond hair jogged past Bruce and up to Solerah. Bruce's brow creased as he watched their interaction.

"Oh! Hello Steven."

Solerah smiled as she nodded at him, slowing her pace to talk to him.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, yeah, good, great even, especially now that I'm talking to you. It's been awhile since I've seen you."

Bruce narrowed his eyes as he walked at a safe distance behind them close enough to hear them but far enough to not be noticed. He already didn't like this agent.

"I've been busy. So much filing and field work you know?" She put on a polite smile as she readjusted the folders in her arms to make a point.

Solerah may not have noticed Steven inching himself over to walk closer to her but Bruce certainly did. Calm down Bruce. Nothing to get angry over. He inhaled deeply to calm himself. He knew he was overreacting but he also knew Solerah could be oblivious to advances if she wasn't the one who instigated them.

"I haven't seen you at lunch in months, sometimes dinners too."

"I spend lunch with Bruce now, he's really neat!"

Bruce felt pride swell inside him at the mention of his name. Who even was this Steven? Bruce looked him up and down, silently judging him. He didn't even look like he was worth her time!

"I see... I've just missed you is all."

"Well gosh Steven I'm sorry. How about we eat breakfast together tomorrow? We can catch up."

Bruce knew he should just walk away at this point. He could feel that familiar intensity start to prick at his skin when the other guy wanted out.

"I was actually thinking maybe tomorrow we could have dinner together... In town instead of the foodcourt."

Bruce gritted his teeth, he should walk away now. Just stop and walk away. Just turn around and walk in the other direction.

"O-oh. I, well..."

Bruce could tell Solerah didn't want too go and admittingly that calmed him just the slightest. However that feeling quickly left when he knew she would be too polite and struggle to say no.

"Come on, it'll be fun Sol."

The last thing Bruce heard was Steven saying Sol. That was HIS name for her. He knew for a fact no one else called her that at her happy response when he had off handedly given her that nickname. Was it irrational to get jealous over a simple name? Yes. Did Bruce care at this point? No. His world went dark as he saw Solerah tense uncomfortably when Steven placed his hand on her back and smiled at her in a way Bruce didn't like.

The hulk quickly replaced Bruce, standing tall and letting out a roar startling both Steven and Solerah. Her files scattered everywhere as she dropped them.


The Hulk was confused for a moment. He knew that was Solerah. He could smell her scent. He wondered briefly why she looked so different now. Why she was small and now coloured as an ordinary human? His thoughts quickly vanished as he saw Steven attempt to push her behind him and take a protective stance in front of her. Hulk growled and charged forward. How dare this lesser male try to stake claim on what was his!

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