Chapter 21

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"Good morning Daniel!" Solerah chirped happily as she saw him passing her

"Oh! Hey..." Daniel responded, trying to smile. Solerah frowned and tilted her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh god, you don't know. I can't be the one to tell you. I'm-I'm sorry agent!"

And just like that he ran past her leaving Solerah to look at his back in confusion.

"Tell me what...?"

She made her way through the base and discovered the same thing kept happening. People wouldn't look her in the eye, they'd run past her or they'd quickly excuse themselves.

"What is happening?" Solerah questioned as the seventh person she tried to talk to left her.

"Agent Red Wing!" She called out as she caught up to the high ranked agent. "What is going on? Why is everyone avoiding me?"

"Agent Wild Star. I need you to remain calm and come with me."

"Okaaay? What-what's happening?"

"Just come with me."

Solerah's stomach churned painfully. Something was wrong and not knowing was killing her. She followed him up to the medical bay, the heavy silence between them was making her uneasy but she couldn't bring herself to ask any further questions.

They entered the medical bay and she saw a small crowd of agents and a doctor. They all turned to face her when they entered the room.

"I-I'm so sorry. Director Redgrave, he's dead." The doctor said, sadness laced in his tone.

"what?" Solerah's eyes widened in shock as she moved forward, pushing her way past the small crowd. "No." Her eyes welled up with tears. "No no no no." She looked at his body on the bed, eyes closed and covered in blood. "This can't be happening..." She reached out and touched his cheek, flinching back at how cold it was.

"ALFIE!!!!" Tears streamed down her face as collapsed herself onto his chest, clutching his shirt. "Nononono please A-Alfie no don't leave me!! ALFIE!!!" Her body raked with sobs as she cried. The agents around her looked away, with pained faces.

The doctor carefully approached her and tried to gently pull her backwards. "I'm sorry."

"NO!" She screamed as she shoved the doctor away from her a little too roughly causing him to fall backwards as she went back to clinging to Alfred's body. "This isn't real. Please please this isn't real!" She knew she was overreacting, she knew that doctor was only trying to console her and she knew she was only clinging to a cold dead corpse but she couldn't bring herself to do anything else.

"What am I going to do without you Alfie I need you..."

She felt as though a thousand daggers were painfully twisting into her stomach.

"Wild Star..." Agent Red Wing approached her. "He's gone."

She took in several deep breaths and slowly raised herself of his body, taking in his form. She bent down one last time and placed her forehead against his, taking his hand in hers.

"Alfie... Shul parel moihim. Ar jaruk noisin vaati... Untetra ritray vrai, cormeum."

She stood up, took a deep shuttering breath and turned. "Excuse me." She nodded to everyone in the room and walked out. She was able to maintain a mostly calm exterior as she walked past people, some gave her knowing looks at her face and others looked confused as to why she was so upset. She ignored everyone as she made her way to her room.

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