Chapter 14

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Bruce blinked his eyes open and stretched slightly. His arms tightened around Solerah, she was laying on his chest and tucked under his chin. He hadn't woken up this relaxed in what was probably years. Having her in his arms was definitely something he could get use too. Bruce repeatedly carded his hand through her hair, just laying there and taking time to absorb this moment. It wasn't often he felt this calm so he made no effort to untangle her from himself and get up.


Of course... He could never just enjoy a moment could he? That would be asking too much. He closed his eyes again, hoping that by ignoring the person they'd go away.


Bruce knitted his eyes together, he didn't want Solerah to wake up, she looked too peaceful, so he delicately removed himself from her and pulled the blankets over her. He slipped on some pants and opened the door. He was greeted by Alfred, who paid little mind to Bruce as he walked past into his room.

"Star wasn't in her room so I assumed she'd be here." He explained as he walked over to Bruce's bed, seeing his theory was indeed correct.

"WAKE UP!" He violently tugged the blanket off of her, causing her to release a high pitched squeal.

"Alfiiiie 5 more minuuuutes." She whined, her hand searching for the missing blanket. Alfred rolled his eyes and grabbed her ankle, yanking her out of the bed and watched her topple to the floor.

"You have a mission. 15 minutes."

And with that he nodded to Bruce as he left the room. Bruce almost didn't know how to react, not expecting such a spectacle first thing in the morning. At the sound of Solerah's groaning he moved to her side, taking her hands and hoisting her up to stand.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fiiiine!" She huffed angrily as she placed her hands behind her, stretching to crack her back. "He always does this if I sleep in for something important."

"How often do you sleep in?"

"Enough times that waking up like that doesn't surprise me anymore."

Bruce watched as she did a few morning stretches, eyeing her legs as she picked up one ankle and and pulled it backwards, swapping legs when she was satisfied. Bruce also watched her shirt ride up slightly as she reached her arm over her head and leaned sideways, repeating the process with her other arm.

She took in a deep breath, closing her eyes and clasped her hands together. When she reopened them she had a smile on. "Okay I'm ready to face the day!" She said dramatically, hyping herself up. "I'll see you soon okay?" She smiled at him, placing her hands on his shoulders and leaning upwards to gently press a kiss to his lips.

Bruce held onto her waist and kissed her back, frowning slightly when she pulled away. "When will you be back?"

Solerah shrugged as she made her way to the door. "I don't know yet. Gotta go to the debrief. Ask Alfie after I leave if you want."

Bruce's perpetual frown stayed firm as he nodded. "Stay safe?"

Opening the door she turned back to him and smiled, giving him a thumbs up. "I will~! You have fun sciencing while I'm gone!" She shut the door and Bruce was left alone. He sighed as he moved to get dressed, his morning had started out so nice...


Solerah had burst into the door to the debrief room, she was carrying her boots and had an egg and bacon roll stuffed in her mouth.

"I'MPH HERRER!" Her voice was warped by the roll she was currently chewing.

"13 and a half minutes. Just in time." Alfred announced as he stood at the head of the table with other high ranking agents seated. She smiled and waved at them as she took her seat and tugged her boots.

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