The train from Berlin left at 7:00am. The trip was about 4 1/2 hours. Like most things in Germany, the train arrived in Kassel exactly on time. We stopped and has something to eat. Monika's father got us a taxi and we went to the Headquarters of the German War Graves Commission.
Once inside we were ushered into an office. A middle aged woman was the secretary. She explained that the man I had to meet was a veteran himself. He had fought on the Eastern Front and especially when the war entered into Germany proper. He could be difficult, so prepare yourself, she said with a smile.
She picked up the telephone and announced that Matthew Gray was here for his appointment. She reminded me that name of the man I would be meeting was Helmuth Rahner.
I entered the office and there was a man sitting behind a large desk. He looked familiar. He was looking at me as well. it was as if we knew each other.
He stood up, I extended my hand for a firm handshake. He smiled, and told me to take a seat.
I understand, he said that you were one of the team that found the body of Curt Hahn. Yes, I said. He continued, you know Curt and I were good friends. We both grew up in Dresden. I nodded. Now suddenly, a light went off in my head. This is the Helmuth from the train who took the picture that was given to Katrin.
He smiled, and continued, I am thinking back. Curt and I were on a train from Dresden to Frankfurt on Oder. I have to admit, I had quite a bit to drink, but I had a camera, he said. I took a picture on the train of Curt. When the war was over, I developed the film. it was a good photo and I tracked down Curt's sister Katrin, and gave her the picture. He said with a sigh, that is the only picture that she has of her brother. Once again, I just shook my head in agreement.
In the photo on the train, Helmuth continued, when I took the picture of Curt there was another young man with him. Curt mentioned something about trying to get him back to his unit. Both are in the picture. I hope you don't mind if I seem to be staring at you, but you remind me so much of the man in the photo. Tell me, Matthew, do have any relatives in or from Germany. No, I replied. It is amazing. To think, you who look so much like this man in the photo, would find Curt's remains. Now things are coming back to me. After Curt was shot, he told the young man to get out, and I had him come with me. We were separated after we fled. I never saw him again.
Why did you come here to Germany, Matthew? I told him about the paper I had written for school and the invitation that I had received to join the search party for the summer. Do you like our country? Yes, I replied, very much. Do you think it would be a problem to be away from your family. I began a "good soldaten", then I realized, I should stop, and I said, no it would not be a problem. That is good, he replied.
Mathias, he continued, using the German rather than the English form of my name, you know we Germans have a tendency for efficiency. I nodded. Before, i met with you, I arranged to have a copy of your report forwarded to me. I could not get over the accuracy. I do not believe in reincarnation, but you write as if you were a soldat at the battle. What astounds me is your knowledge of German. I see in your high school grades no German courses.You mentioned that you don't have any relatives in Germany. Yet, you speak like a native, and I even detect a Dresdener accent.
You treat the soldat with respect and compassion. That is something we rarely see, especially with foreign writers. I began,my grandfather was in Vietnam, and he said the soldiers were blamed for the war and some were really treated badly. They. the military people went where they were sent. Yes, Helmuth replied, very similar to us. So, you see Herr Rahner, I do have sympathy and think that side of the solider not just the government should be known as well. Helmuth just smiled.
"Very good, Herr Gray". You have my blessing and a full scholarship to Humbolt University in Berlin. Classes begin in October. Good luck, komrade. He winked,making me believe he was on to something.
I went outside and met Monika's father. I told him what had happened. He was very pleased. We need to celebrate with a beer he said. We found a pub nearby and enjoyed a beer together. Two men sharing some time. It was a man to man relationship, not a boy to a man. It was interesting, and to be honest, it felt good.
Now the only problem, was to tell my folks I would not be coming home to enter Vendun in September.
The Silver Ring
Teen FictionHigh School senior working on history paper about World War 2 finds a silver German World War II ring. The dead German soldier, owner of the ring, appears to the student, and asks his help in returning the ring to his family so that his soul may fi...