Part 4 (1)

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AN. This was supposed to be the last chapter of this story, but it's turning out to be really long. So, I've decided to break it into two parts.

The good news is that both parts are full of Everlark GBT goodness. I hope you enjoy.


Katniss reaches the top of the hill and takes a deep breath. Crisp autumn air fills her lungs.

Her eyes scan the clusters of trees and shrubs around her. The world is quickly turning red. Soon, the woods will be bare.

She starts walking again, dodging tree trunks and bushes as she makes her way back to her home by the lake. Once the vegetation begins to thin out, she picks up the pace.

She's about to reach the small clearing by the creek when the world comes tumbling to a screeching halt.

Katniss freezes.

He's back! her mind screams.

Peeta Mellark sits against a rock; eyes narrowed in concentration as he focuses on the sketch pad he's holding up against his thigh.

Katniss keeps still, listening to the mad beat of her racing heart.

Her eyes follow the graceful movements of Peeta's hand over the pad. There's something soothing about the way he sketches; with such precision and grace. It's almost like watching a slow dance between the pencil and the blank page.

Gradually, her heart slows down.

She turns her attention to Peeta's face.

He looks good. Strong. Healthy.

His hair has grown back, and he's recovered the weight he lost during the war. The scars on his face have disappeared under the golden stubble covering his jaw.

She wants to run to him, to wrap her arms around his shoulders and bury her face in the crook of his neck; but she hasn't seen him in years, and she doesn't know where they stand. So, she waits.

She doesn't take her eyes off of him, though, terrified that he might fade back into the forest if she looks away.

A playful gust of wind comes crashing through the trees making the leaves rustle in its wake.

Alerted by the sound, Peeta looks up from his work.

Blue meets silver.

For a split second, the whole world fades away.

Peeta's voice, deep and sweet as honey, breaks the spell. "Hey!"

A breathy chuckle escapes Katniss's lips. "Hi!"

Gesturing towards the thermos by his side, he asks, "Would you like some tea?"

Katniss nods. Her body tingles in anticipation as she closes the distance between them. With trembling hands, she lifts her bow from her shoulders and sets it to rest against the rock.

In one swift motion, Peeta closes his sketchbook and drops it on the ground. Then, he reaches for his backpack and rummages through it for a bit. With an exaggerated flourish, he pulls a small travel cup out of the bag and hands it to Katniss. "For you."

Katniss smiles. "Thank you," she says, clutching the cup tightly between her hands.

Peeta uncaps the thermos and, with a steady hand, fills Katniss's mug. He then turns around to fill his own.

"Sugar?" he offers, pulling a small squirt bottle from the side pocket of his bag.

Katniss's eyes widen. "Mm-hmm."

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