Fast Times at Clairemont High

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This is so like her, I thought, Calling me at work, telling me this over the phone, insisting I take time out of my day to help her pack up my dad's stuff to kick him out of the house we've all lived in for years. And it's just like him... to sleep with another woman...

I pulled into my mother's drive. Of course, my father's car is already gone. My mother's Mercedes Benz is sitting in the driveway, of course she's not moving out. It's all my dad's fault. No, my mom didn't push him away and flirt with every single fucking one of his colleagues at every Christmas, cocktail, and dinner party. Ever. But, none of this is her fault, or even his. Nope, he just couldn't control his penis. Slipped, actually, right into Becky the Busty Secretary's vag. L-O-fucking-L.

I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. For a second I wonder why I didn't just walk right in, but then I remember this isn't my house anymore. This house isn't filled with love anymore, this house's happy exterior has peeled away to reveal adultery and hate. Looking at it just makes me sick. My mother comes to the door, I can tell she's been crying and I mentally roll my eyes.

"Candace, honey, I'm so glad your here," She says dramatically stifling a sob. After she turns away I actually roll my eyes. I walk in and the living room is a mess. There's boxes everywhere full of my dad's clothes and old knickknacks. "The backstabber's stuff is over there," She points to the boxes.

"Seriously, Mom," I say, "The backstabber? I mean, I know what Dad did was bad, but could you please be a little less immature?"

She almost looked genuinely hurt as she put her hand to her chest and clutched the recliner. Almost.

"Oh, stop it. You know this isn't all his fault right? Maybe if you hadn't flirted with every guy you met-"


"-then maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't have have felt like you didn't need him anymore and went off with another woman. Maybe if you wouldn't have fake loved him and really actually tried to love him he would've tried to love you back. I don't know how though, you are the most insufferable woman I've ever met!" I didn't realize I had started yelling at the end until I was done and catching my breath.

"Well maybe," She started towards me, "If you hadn't been the most defiant, unruly, most disrespectful daughter on the planet you wouldn't have killed our marriage! Maybe if you had listened just once in your life, we wouldn't be getting a divorce, this is your fault Candace!" With the last word she slapped me across the face.

 Now this isn't the first time she had struck me. But right then I'd decided it'd be the last. This time I slapped her back. The look on her face: priceless. I then left feeling smug. I got in my car and put on my sunglasses. I drove back to my apartment building with a feeling of self pride all the way home. As I walked up the stairs to apartment 3C, I couldn't stop thinking how proud Aaron's going to be of me. I fiddle with the keys, he's always hated my parents. I open the door, when I tell him how I told her off-

At first it didn't click in my head what I was seeing. That's my Aaron, I know that, and that's my best friend Sierra, I know that. But why are they naked, and why's she sucking his-

"Candace!" Aaron yelled pushing her off of his dick. I immediately shut the door. 

No no no no no no no. This isn't happening. Not to me. How could he do this? How she do this? I thought they loved me. I felt a tear drip from my eye as I ran down the stairs and out of the building. I got into my car but then realized I had no where to go. It's not like I can go to Sierra's house, and I definitely can't go home.

Then I remembered. I pulled out of the parking lot and started heading to 101 Lois Lane.

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