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We drove to Aaron's apartment. I had the worst feeling of nausea the entire ride there, and when we finally got there I felt like I was actually going to throw up. This was our home. We were going to get married here and have a baby here, eventually move out into a nice little cottage in Colorado...but now all that's gone. All my dreams are dead. The dreams that were born here died here, with a turn off a doorknob.

Marilyn got out the eggs and then, sensing my sadness asked, "You okay, hun?"

I nodded because telling her would only make me cry.

"Okay, let's start this shit then!" She said smiling. She turned up the music and I heard the song "Teenagers" by MCR play.

I sucked it up, wiped the tears from my eyes and told my self, 'Hey, he deserves this'. And with that I grabbed an egg and hurled it at the apartment; it hit the window. And with that throw I started a revolution and every one joined in, everyone except Jacob. Oh, Jacob. I looked around at everyone pelting the eggs and turned to Paige.

"Why are we doing this?" I laughed throwing another egg, "The tattoos, the drinking, the smoking...why?"

"I have cancer!" She laughed back.

"What?" I ask, I must have heard her wrong.

"I. Have. Cancer." She looked me straight in the eyes and for a second I thought I saw a glimmer of pain. She reaches up to her hair and when her hand come back she has a fist full of strands.

"I'm so sorry," I say, shocked.

"Don't be," She smiles, "It's sorta made me a more spontaneous person."

"How so?" I ask.

"Well," Paige starts, "I look at life more clearly. I'm not afraid of anything. The doctors say I only have six months left, so I wana do everything I can. I want to be a badass for a few more months, steal some stuff, egg a couple houses, and then I want to settle down and get married. Have a kid or something. Know anyone who wants to have a life with someone for a few months?" She laughs.

"Actually I do, but I'll tell you later."

"Don't wait to long," She winks.

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