Do it Now Remember it Later

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I take a long deep breath of the joint. So we decided to make a list of things to do tonight to initiate me into my "New Life".

1) Get stoned✔

2) Get shit faced

3) Egg my old apartment

4) Steal shopping carts

5) Ride in said stolen carts

I pass the blunt to Jacob, who passes it to Danny without smoking it. Mental note: Ask Jacob if he's got a medical condition or some shit. I turn the music up louder and soak in the serenity before we go get wasted. Not sure if I still even want to go. But Paige pulls me to my feet and before I get the chance to object I'm being pulled out the door. We all pile into Henry's van with the words "Party Mobile" painted on the side. Sweet. I'm pretty sure I napped in the back all the way to Mad Mark's.

When we get in there the place is packed. People are singing along to "Too Drunk To Fuck" playing from the jukebox. And hot girls are bending over the pool table like they're pros. As soon as we get to the bar Marilyn buys a round of beer for us. Well, everyone except for Jacob. I move closer to him.

"Hey Jake," I say taking a drink, "What's up, you the DD?"

"Yep," He smiles dangling the keys, "That'd be me."

"How come?" I ask, "You got some medical shit or something? I mean no one wants to be designated."

He laughs. "Well honestly, I don't do stuff like drugs and alcohol."

"What?" My jaw drops, "Why not?"

"Well for one I don't want to mess up my life and get addicted or some shit. Another is I'm only twenty-five, it's not like I don't have my whole life ahead of me. And, well, I sort of like someone and I want to have my life where I want it so I can ask her out sometime."

"Who is it?"

He makes a gesture to move closer so he can whisper it. "Paige."

"Ah man that's sweet," I say punching his arm, "You guys would be cute...I respect that man."

"Thank you," He says genuinely, looking over at Paige who's dancing with Danny and Henry.

The rest of the time in the bar went by in a fast blur. I think I kissed Henry on the check and took my shirt off, though.

I stumble out of the door, too drunk to even walk right. " Danny laughs as Henry trips Marilyn who then tries, and fails, to playfully beat him up.

"Dude," Marilyn looks as though she's just had an life shattering realization, "Look," She points to the tattoo parlor, Body Graffiti, across the street.

"What about it?" Henry asks.

"Candace should get a tattoo!" She jumps up and down.

They all look at me for a minute. "Totally," I finally announce.

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