Props and Mayhem

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I laugh as I hold onto Marilyn in the shopping cart, and Henry pushes us. Paige and Danny are in the cart next to us, being pushed by Jacob. Marilyn screams as we go down Isley Hill and Paige throws her hands into the air and her head back. I squeeze my eyes shut and in that moment everything else fades away. I can hear laughing and feel the beautiful sensation of nothingness. Everything is gone. I've never had a broken heart, I've never known pain. Paige is perfectly heathy and perfectly in love with Jacob. Jacob has the love of his life in his arms, like he's always wanted. Henry's throwing a little baby up in the air with his wife by his side. And Paige has never had a scar on her arms or black on her eye. And her baby is a beautiful boy. Everyone's demons have been drowned, and this is heaven.

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