Million Dollar Houses

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We walk into Body Graffiti without a single regret in our minds. We look around a little, Henry points out a skull with a snake going though it and Marilyn suggests a tramp stamp of a monarch. I finally find one I like; a floral half sleeve. I show the tattoo artist, Timmy, and lay down in the chair. I close my eyes and when I open them it's done. I. Love. It.

"Dude," Marilyn says.

"Thats's sick," Henry says wide-eyed.

"Totally," Danny adds.

I giggle and then a thought comes to my head, I wonder if Timmy cares that every one of us (except Jacob) is stoned and drunk as fuck. I guess not since he just gave me a tattoo. But the thought is soon replaced by my emence glee. I feel so fucking awesome. This is all I ever wanted, an arm full of ink. Paige then decides to get one while Henry and I go outside for a smoke.

"You got any tattoos?" I say looking down at my newly colorful arm.

"Nope," Henry replies before taking a long deep inhale of his e-cig.

"What?" I say, "Not even one? Why not?"

"I, um, I wana be a good role model for my kid," He says, obviously embarrassed, as though it's a bad thing.

"You have a child?" I ask, wondering why he's out partying with us.

"Not yet," He says, "My wife and I have been trying for years now."

"Oh," I respond dumbly.

"Yeah, but when we finally do get pregnant, I want my kid to look up to me, you know?"

"Yeah," I say in agreement, "I get that."

We sit in silence before the others come out, Paige with a new cross on the back of her neck, and head to my old apartment.

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