Roger Rabbit

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I ring the doorbell and hear a dog bark and scratch at the door. One second, two, three-

"I don't  want any of your fucking- Holy shit. Candace Swank." Marilyn Sadej, my ex fiance, held the door open.

"In the flesh. Can I come in?" I ask, tentatively eyeing beyond the screen door.

"Ah man of course," She ushers me in and kicks the small dog away. We walk into the living room and she puts out her cigarette into a glass ash tray. "So what brings you to town?" 

"" I fell to the black futon, put my head in my hands, and started bawling. "I don't know. I-I just don't know what to do."

I then proceeded to spill everything that's happened in the past twenty-four hours. Everything from "W-what if my mom never talks to me again?" to "That bitch was deep throating him!".  

"Well shit," Marilyn said looking straight at nothing as we sat together on her futon. "That's a lot of shit."

"Yeah, I replied, suddenly realizing where I was and what I had just said, "Can I, like, use the bathroom?"

"Oh, yeah, of course. It's right over there," She gestured to a hall around the corner from the kitchen.

I walked to the bathroom, shut the door, and continued to cry. What the fuck was I doing here? I didn't even give Aaron a chance to explain. Maybe we could talk this out. I mean, where's my future without him? Who am I if I'm not going to be Mrs. Aaron Stineman? I'll thank Marilyn for being here for me, then explain that I'm going to try to work things out with Aaron. I get up, wipe away my tears in the mirror, and then proceed back to the living room.

"Marilyn," I start, "I want to thank you for being a shoulder to cry on, but-"

"Candy," She cuts me off, "You aren't going back to that bastard. In fact, you're going to spend the night. Here. And we're going to run around, cause mayhem, and set things on fire; just like when we were young and in love. Okay?"

After the slightest moment of thought my answer a little less than reluctantly came from my mouth, "Okay."

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