c h a p t e r 6 | s e c r e t s

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"Katsuki? I-I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I believe you are mistaken. That's the name of Japan's royal family." I took a step back to view the Japanese man.

"There's a story, passed down from my father to me, that we have been keeping from you, along with all of Russia." Mr. Federov's cocoa orbs widened behind his blue frames.

"Y-Yes, I'll keep it a secret. It's an honor, sire." The raven haired male bowed, however I used my index and middle finger to pull his face back up. I leaned close to my servant.

"You must keep it a secret. If you don't, it can lead to war. You can get yourself killed. Do you understand?" Yuri's pale cheeks were dusted a soft pink hue.

"Y-Yes, Your Excellency..."

I kissed his soft lips.

The Tale of a Sleeping Prince | VikturiWhere stories live. Discover now