c h a p t e r 1 5 | s l e e p i n g b e a u t y

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I scurried through the labyrinth, trying my hardest to remember the layout of my palace. My platinum hair flowed elegantly behind me as I neared my destination.

Thoughts of Yuri drifted through my mind. Mr. Leroy told me he was asleep, but was he okay? Was he in any pain? Did Mr. Leroy hurt him in any way? Does Yuri know he's in danger?

'I have to stop.' My thoughts ceased as I neared the door to where I believe Mr. Leroy took Yuri.

'The storage room...' My turquoise orbs scanned the area, nothing but boxes and crates in sight. I could only assume he's in one of them, so I looked around for any boxes that might fit his size.

After about a half hour of searching, I discovered an unusually sized box, about the size of a coffin. I shuffled over to it with a crowbar in hand, tucking it in the edge of the lid as I lifted it off the box. Inside laid a familiar sleeping Japanese male on a bed of packing peanuts.

"Yuri! Wake up, Yuri!" I shook the raven haired man, however he slept all too soundly. His face looked so peaceful as he slept. His hair smooth to the touch. His cheekbones defined and pale. His lips...

I must kiss his lips!

The Tale of a Sleeping Prince | VikturiWhere stories live. Discover now