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I unwrapped the rope from my wrists and made haste to unbundle my ankles from the thick rope. Once freed, my turquoise orbs observed the red markings left behind, almost drawing crimson blood to the surface of my reddened skin.

My feet quickly pitter pattered to the door, only to find it locked and possibly barricaded. I raced to my only window, also locked with shatterproof glass. I began to panic internally. That's when I remembered the secret passageway in my closet that led throughout the palace.

Taking immediate action, I grabbed the key from the hidden compartment in my nightstand, brushing away my platinum bangs from my face as I unlocked the sliding doors, entering and locking the doors behind me.

I knew the palace all too well, and I know Mr. Leroy's sneaky tactics since the day he told me not to tell my father he brought a puppy back to the palace. I know exactly where he hides all his palace contraband.

I know exactly where Yuri is.

The Tale of a Sleeping Prince | VikturiWhere stories live. Discover now