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I awoke in a dark room. Too dark to tell where I was. I looked around to try and identify something, anything that can tell me where I ended up.

"Mr. Federov? Hello?"

"Greetings, Your Excellency..." The mocking voice of Mr. Leroy echoed through the darkness. I glanced in the direction of the source. The lights turned on to reveal my butler in my bedroom.

"What is the meaning of that tone in your voice?!" I couldn't move. My wrists and ankles were tied together with thick rope. The butler smirked.

"I know of your little 'secret' about Mr. Federov, or should I say, Prince Katsuki Yuri." My turquoise orbs widened in shock. This man had been eavesdropping on our private conversation and disobeyed my orders.

"Let me go immediately!"

"I'm afraid I can't. I have already put the little prince to sleep, and I plan to ship him off to a brothel in China. Oh, they'll just love him there. With him gone and you in my possession, I will be King!" I couldn't believe the betrayal, the words of my most trusted companion stabbing me in the back. I felt my chest tighten and my eyes threatened to leak.

"Good night, my lord."

The Tale of a Sleeping Prince | VikturiWhere stories live. Discover now