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The lights turned off. The door had shut. I couldn't move my limbs freely due to my bonds. Struggling didn't help, but I have to try something. Yuri's in danger because of me, and I must fix it.

I looked down at my hands, their usual pale color slowly turning red. Most of my attire were thrown to the corner of the room, I donned a simple black tee and formal pants, my white socks slipping off of my feet.

I turned my body around to my vanity, my shiny silver scissors placed away in the drawer. I shimmied my form to the edge of the bed, accidentally falling face first onto the floor, knocking my socks off my feet.

'How embarrassing...' I scooted over to the vanity, opening the drawer with my pearl white teeth. Propping myself up with my elbows on the vanity, I peered inside. No scissors were found.

"Dammit." I whispered under my breath. I flipped my platinum hair to get a better look in the drawer, reaching inside for the alternative I discovered.

"Got it."

The Tale of a Sleeping Prince | VikturiWhere stories live. Discover now