c h a p t e r 9 | d r e s s i n g

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"Y-Yes, Your Excellency." Mr. Federov shyly observed the article of clothing in his hands. I went in the wardrobe once more to pull out my personal orchid skating gear. I began removing my robes, laying them neatly on the bench only to see the raven haired male frozen in place and scanning my body.

"And I thought you were professional..." Yuri's cheeks turned from a cute shade of pink to a heated crimson as he spun around.

"M-My apologies, my lord!" I put my leotard on, tightening my sleeves as I noticed Mr. Federov didn't move at all.

"Aren't you going to change, too~?" The mocha eyed man looked away, shyly and silently undressing. I grabbed two pairs of skates, fastening both onto my feet. Yuri quickly caught up to me, lacing his skates on his feet.

"I'm finished, Your Majesty." Mr. Federov followed me to the beautiful ice rink that almost no one knew of.

"Let us begin."

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