New Friends!...

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" oh ya that's right you've dated half the girls in this school...what a player " Taehyung rolled his eyes and sighed.

" it's not that it's ju-.... I haven't found the right girl yet.."

Jungkook's pov

After a long day of classes I finally get to go home..

I meet Yoongi at the usual place and of course like always he's sleeping...

I was about to wake him up when I noticed Taehyung and Hoseok walking home with Jimin?...

I was a little caught off guard by this feeling but I just ignored it I was probably just hungry or something...

" Are you just gonna stand there... " Yoongi grunted grabbing Jungkook's backpack pulling on it

" Oh ya! sorry.. " Jungkook caught up with Yoongi

~20 minutes later ~

" Here's my stop... " Yoongi said with a sarcastic tone

" We are legit neighbors you make it sound like your leaving me! " Jungkook chuckles walking to door step

As I open the door to my home i'm attacked by my little sister

" What the fu- "

" Jungkook! not around your sister " Jungkooks mom yelled

" Sorry... ah sis get off " Jungkook lightly pushes his sister off of him

As I regain my balance my sister runs off giggling and I just sigh and made sure no one saw what happened

I walked into the house and set my stuff on the couch then grabbed a snack and headed up to my room

~ Jimin's house~

" Welcome home sweetie how was your first day of school " Jimins mom asks while mixing the sauce for dinner

" It was interesting I guess " Jimin rubbed the back of his head shyly

" I know that tone, there was a cute boy wasn't there " Jimin's mom turns around with a smirk

" Eomma... sheesh " Jimin sits down at the  dinning table and buries his face in his hands

" I'll take that as a yes " Jimins mom makes her way down to the dinner table with the food

" Now, tell me all about him "

"Alright well.... he has dark chocolate brown hair.. and these beautiful brown eyes like i've never seen before and well I- " Jimin stopped

" Oh honey why'd you stop "

" Oh it's just we didn't really meet on good terms, I sort of bumped into him on the way to school and he didn't seem to happy about it.. and what if he doesn't like boys the way I do..." Jimin looked down and stared at his food

" Jimin look at me, if it's meant to be everything will work out.. "

" Ya ok eomma "

     ~ The Next Day ~

Jungkook's pov

*yawns *

Ugh, do I have to wake up...

As I get out of bed I took a look in the mirror and sighed hair what did I ever do to you?...

" Might as well take a shower then... " Jungkook mumbles to himself grabbing his towel

~35 minutes later~

Jungkook was finally ready for school he was wearing a white T-shirt, ripped jeans and and his favorite red beanie then he headed down stairs

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