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" Woah Jimin calm down it's okay you have friends now and I'm one of them and don't hate yourself, and if i'm being honest I think your shyness is kind of adorable.." Jungkook shyly rubs the back of his head

Jimin's breathing pace evens out and, Jimin looked up and gave a shy laugh

" really... "

Jimin's pov

My heart wouldn't slow down I ju-

" Ya, hey I should really get back to class, how is your ankle? "

" Oh well it's feeling alot better "

" Can you walk on it? " Jungkook stood up and grabbed Jimin's hand

" Um.. maybe " Jimin cautiously got up from the chair

Jimin tripped over himself and stammered a little bit then regained his balance

" Guess that makes you a klutz too huh?.. " Jungkook said with a playful tone

" Oh shut up... " Jimin lightly slapped Jungkooks shoulder

" Ooh feisty are we haha " Jungkook smiled then they both exited the nurses office and walked back to class

~ Lunch ~

Jimin slightly limped to the table and managed to sit down without falling on his face

" Oh no chim chim why are you limping? " Hoseok asked poking Jimins shoulder

" Oh that, I just fell earlier today but don't worry Jungkook took me to the nurse " Jimin said while fiddling with strands of his hair.

Everyone turns to Jungkook who has half a sandwich in his mouth

" WHAT?! he fell what else was I supposed to do? " Jungkook said

" Ok then... so how are you liking the school so far? " Taehyung asked while scooting over to sit by Jimin

" It's great, but we just started this project in one of my classes and it's only my second day " Jimin whined

" Well that's what you get for coming to a new school in the middle of the year haha " Jin said finally arriving at the table.

" Eomma! " Hoseok yelled hugging Jin

" Wait, Eomma? " Jimin asked furrowing his eyebrows

" Oh, im basically the mom of this group so they joke around and call me eomma sometimes " Jin said fixing Namjoon's hair cause that one little piece was sticking out

" Oh, that's cute.. " Jimin giggled shyly


Jungkook's pov

~ After school ~

After that nurse incident I guess I learned little about Jimin

I'm really happy for Jimin he's finally opening up I think?...

even though I don't know him that well yet I'm excited to get to know him

" Hey Jungkook come on we have basketball practice today " Yoongi tugged on the back of Jungkooks backpack.

" Oh ya, meet you in the gym ok? " Jungkook walked to his locker to grab his basket ball clothes


~ Jimin's House ~

Jimin's pov

Alright so I've done all my math homework, I wrote that paper, now all I have to finish is my proje-

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