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" Thanks for last night... and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone.. " Jungkook looked up with a half smile

" Oh... ok sure.. no problem " Jimin wiggled out of Jungkook's grasp on his hand and grabbed his book off the table then started to read

Jimin was reading peacefully when someone snatched Jimin's book from him Jimin looked up slowly

Jungkook, Hoseok and Jin were all standing in front of him with smirks on their faces

" No reading! we are going to the mall today! " Hoseok said cheerfully

" B-But... " Jimin gave up and pouted

After everyone was done eating and changing we all headed out to the cars

Taehyung rode with Yoongi and Jungkook, Jimin rode with Hoseok, Jin rode with Namjoon

~ Hoseok's car ~

" ok Jimin spill it! " Hoseok said out of the blue

" spill what ? " Jimin said quietly

" who is your crush!?! " Hoseok asked

Jimin froze and blushed " whatever happened to one question?... " Jimin replied looking the other way to hide his blushing face

" just answer, you can trust me, I wont tell " Hoseok assured Jimin

" ok Hoseok you better keep this secret like your life depends on it! " Jimin turned around towards Hoseok with a serious expression

" I swear I wont tell " Hoseok raised his right hand

" ok...well my crush is.... J-Jungkook! " Jimin hid his face in his hands

" JUNGKOOK! nooo Jimin he's straight" Hoseok felt bad for Jimin

" I know, I know but he has just been really good to me... " Jimin lifted his face from his hands

" so that's why you were so Jumpy when I asked you last night... " Hoseok said rubbing his chin

"since you told me your crush... I will tell you mine.. I-I like Yoongi.. " Hoseok blushed at this words

" I ship it! " Jimin cooed

" oh! we're here! " Hoseok quickly changed the subject then zoomed out of the car

Jimin's pov

I cant believe I just confessed to Hoseok, I know he won't tell but I cant help but think he will..

we all met at the front of the mall

" Jimin come with me! I want to show you a store ! " Jungkook grabbed Jimins hand and dragged him into the mall

Jimin looked back and Hoseok gave a wink to Jimin

His hands are so warm I thought the entire time he held them, even if he was dragging me somewhere

we stopped at hat store

" this is where I got my beanie I thought you might wanna check this place out " Jungkook smiled

" oh sure... " Jimin said shyly rubbing the back of his head

I looked around the store and I stopped at this one hat, it was a black ball cap with two silver hoops on the bill, I really liked it so I went ahead and bought it

I looked around the store and I stopped at this one hat, it was a black ball cap with two silver hoops on the bill, I really liked it so I went ahead and bought it

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I found Jungkook and showed him the hat and he really liked it

After awhile of walking around Jungkook stopped at a cookie stand

" want anything? " Jungkook asked , Jimin shook his head

" No thank you " Jimin replied

Jungkook bought a large chocolate chip cookie and they continued walking

Jungkook stopped in his tracks and his jaw dropped

" be right back Jimin ima go get me this girls digits! " Jungkook walked over to the girl

I cant believe you Jungkook, leaving me for a girl, oh ya he's straight after all, but my heart it hurts you know what screw you Jungkook you stupid player, I hate you! Jimin thought to himself

Jimin didn't mean the last part... Jimin waited about fifteen minutes and looked up for Jungkook but he was nowhere to be seen

" wow, he left me alone in a mall I've never been to, real smooth " Jimin mumbled to himself

Jimin walked off and tried to find Jungkook after about 30 minutes of looking still no Jungkook

Jimin found a bench by the bathrooms and tried to call Jungkook, no answer

Jungkook's pov

Dammit I knew I shouldn't have left Jimin alone, I'm such an idiot! And in a mall he's never been to, Jimin where are you

Lets see I've looked in most of the stores, Oh! of course the bathrooms

Jungkook walked over to two bathrooms before he found Jimin sitting on the bench next to one asleep

" Jimin wake up im back " Jungkook lightly shook Jimin

" Jerk.... " Jimin said to Jungkook folding his arms

" Jimin im sorry.. " Jungkook sat next to Jimin on the bench

" was it worth it?... " Jimin said

" w-what do you mean?.."

" leaving me for the girl....was it worth it? " Jimin said looking at Jungkook with sad but slightly serious face

" N-not really... " Jungkook stuttered

" lets go.. " Jimin got up from the bench and started walking

" Jimin wait up!.. " Jungkook quickly followed behind Jimin and caught up

Everyone met at the front of the mall and went back to Hoseok's house

~ Hoseok's House ~

" ok guys feel free to leave whenever you'd like " Hoseok said as they walked into the house

Jimin gathered all his clothes and walked out the door

" Jimin wait! " Jungkook yelled from behind Jimin

" hm?.. " Jimin replied

" need a ride? " Jungkook shyly rubbed the back of his head swinging his keys around

" sure, why not " Jimin gave a sad smile then they both got into the car

the entire drive was silent, when they arrived at Jimin's house Jimin paused

" J-Jimin are you still mad at me... " Jungkook looked over to Jimin

" Jungkook that's the problem I can't stay mad at you! " Jimin ran out of the car leaving Jungkook confused...


Chapter 7!! Jungkook you done goofed! Hope you liked this chapter it was kind of short sorry! Please vote and comment!

~ JikookProductions

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