Need Your Love

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Forgive me... Before you accept my apology just read..

" Hey Eomma.. " Hoseok and Jimin nervously rubbed the back of their necks

"Boys will be boys... " she said sarcastically

Hoseok and Jimin laughed at her words and started cleaning up...

~ 35 Minutes Later ~

" Bye Jimin! See you tomorrow "

" By Hoseok! " Jimin waved and shut the door behind him

Jimin's pov

That's was fun I really needed that before tomorrow happens....

I don't wanna think about it right now..

The walk home was quiet and lonely but it didn't take to long to get home


" Hey Eomma I'm home " Jimin said taking a seat on the couch

" Hey Jimin how are you feeling? " she said sympathetically

" to be honest I feel very empty " Jimin said looking down giving a sad smile

" Well you know I'm always here for you.. " she said giving Jimin a kiss on the cheek

Jimin got up headed up stairs and decided not to eat dinner and go to sleep early

~ The Next Morning ~


Jimin got out bed and took a shower

~ 20 Minutes Later ~

Jimin headed down stairs in a black long sleeve with ripped skinny jeans

" Good Morning Eomma " Jimin said trying to sound cheerful

" I know how today will end will you be okay? " she said

" Can I have Jungkook over?.. " Jimin said looking up from the floor

" of course... "

~ The Walk To School ~

Jimin's pov

Today is the day my dad died... He died when I was 9 years old and on this exact day
Its on this day that some words can trigger my flashbacks of him and I that's when I start to break down and usually at the end of the day I ended up curled in a ball in the corner of my room crying my eyes out...
Thats why I wanna tell Jungkook, I want to tell him everything..

" Hey Jimin! " Jungkook said running up behind Jimin along with the other boys

" Hey.. Kookie " Jimin said trying to sound happy

" hm.. Okay what's wrong " Jungkook said intertwining their fingers

" I'll tell you later.." Jimin said leaning his head on Jungkook's shoulder
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ School ~
The first few classes past by fast then it was already lunch time

" Hey Jimin my Dad is haveing a party tonight wanna go? " Taehyung asked

Jimin's pov

Don't say Dad no no no


" Daddy your home! " Jimin said running over to his father

" Hey! how's my little Mochi!" He said picking Jimin up and spinning him around

" Daddy I missed you! " Jimin said jumping up and down

" I missed you too Jiminie! " He said placing his things on the table and heading to go cook in the kitchen

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