Our Confession

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" Shh... come on we're almost there " Jungkook held Jimin's hand a little tighter and continued walking

" O-Ok Jungkook " Jimin said quietly walking behind

Their fingers never separated while they were walking

Jimin's pov

What is he planning? His hand in mine... I miss this feeling, I miss it so much, the butterflies I get around him, my heart beating fast....It's what I'm feeling right now, Jungkook makes me feel accepted and whole when I'm with him, I love everything about this feeling, I love everything about Jungkook.... But does he feel the same?...

I wonder where he is taking me...and why..

After about 10 minutes of walking and some small talk they arrived at their destination

They stopped at building and Jungkook looked over to Jimin

" a restaurant... " Jimin said looking over to Jungkook

" yup c'mon! " Jungkook pulled Jimin into the restaurant

Jimin examined the restaurant, it was empty, Yoongi stood in front of them holding a two menus with a welcoming smile

" Welcome, your seats are right this way " Yoongi said walking towards a single table with a huge circle of flower petals around it

Jimin blushed and hid his face in his hands as he sat down

Yoongi walked off into the kitchen then came Hoseok

" Hello my name is Hoseok and I will be your waiter! what would you like to drink? " Hoseok pulled out a note pad and gave a friendly smile to them both

" Water please " Jimin giggled and blushed even more peeking up from his hands

" I'll take water too please " Jungkook grabbed one of Jimin's hands and intertwined their fingers giving Jimin a smile

Hoseok skipped into the kitchen and as soon as he walked into the kitchen you could hear squealing from all the members

" J-Jungkook I-I... " Jimin was speechless

" Jimin I lied to you, that kiss at the hospital meant something " Jungkook gave a small smile and blushed

 Taehyung walked out with the drinks and smiled then headed back to the kitchen

Jimin blushed again and fixed his bangs covering his face

They looked at the menu and shared glances at each other only to find the other staring back

Hoseok walked out of the kitchen with his notepad

" Are you ready to order? what would you like? " Hoseok said cheerfully

Jimin and Jungkook both said their orders and smiled at each other

Hoseok's pov

I took their orders and headed back into the kitchen, oh my gosh, Jungkook likes JImin! It's great! I wish Yoongi would do something like that for me, I dont even know if he likes me but-


Yoongi is checking me out! Oh No I'm blushing! wait I gotta tell Jin their order so he can cook it

Hoseok told Jin the order and found a spot in the kitchen to sit down Yoongi quickly followed with a smirk and stopped right in front of Hoseok

" I like you " Yoongi said leaning down to Hoseok's face

" I-I Yoon- " Hoseok was stopped by a pair of lips on his he basically melted into the kiss

Hoseok pulled away very flustered

" Y-Yoongi I-I like you too! " Hoseok blushed and looked down

" good... " Yoongi gave a wink

Hoseok bit his lip from squealing, he was blushing even more

" Taehyung! food is ready go!" Jin said handing the plates to Taehyung

Jimin's povv

I feel so bad for not talking to him and breaking things off between our group of friends

But what I feel right now is more than I can describe-

" Your food has arrived! " Taehyung said with a smile and placed the food on the table

Taehyung left the couple and walked back to the kitchen

" I don't deserve this " Jimin covered his eyes and blushed

" and why not?... " Jungkook leaned back in his chair

" because I'm a horrible person " Jimin said peeking up from his hands

" No, you're a Beautiful person... " Jungkook cooed

" Your cheesiness is adorable " Jimin took a bite of his food

" Your face is adorable " Jungkook lifted an eyebrow and smirked

" too much cheese! " Jimin laughed

Jimin and Jungkook chatted and ate their food when they were done Namjoon took their plates back to the kitchen

Jungkook got up out of his chair and walked over to Jimin

Jungkook kneeled down beside Jimin's chair and took both of Jimin's hands and held them

" Jimin... I have finally found the answer to the question that has been in my head ever since you came here, I always thought girl was gonna be the one to make me happy, but no I was wrong, I need you to make me happy, without you im nothing " Jungkook looked into Jimin's eyes

" Jungkook... " Jimin smiled turning his eyes into crescents

" Jimin will you be my boyfriend " Jungkook smiled

" Oh my gosh! Yes! Yes! " Jimin hugged Jungkook tightly

" i'm so glad you didn't say no... that would have su-" Jungkook sighed in relief as he stood up

" Just shut up and kiss me already! " Jimin wrapped his hands around Jungkook's neck and pulled him into a kiss

Jungkook pulled away when he hears squealing from across the room and Jin was taking a video of the whole thing

The two just stared at each other and giggled

" thank you... " Jimin shyly smiled

" anything for you... " Jungkook gave Jimin a peck on the lips


Chapter 15!! My Heartu~ ! Hope you guys liked this chapter please vote and comment ily all!!

~ JikookProductions

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