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" Jimin what is it?.. " Jungkook said with concern as he scooted closer to Jimin

" w-why have you been a-avoiding me?... " Jimin let a tear roll down his face but quickly wiped it away...

" Jimin... don't cry.. "  Jungkook moved the bangs covering Jimin's eyes

" what did I do wrong! " Jimin said covering his face with his hands

Jungkook slowly took Jimin's hands away from his covering his face, but Jimin quickly pulled away from Jungkook's grasp

Jimin looked up " was it holding my hand all those times, did it make you uncomfortable!? is my shyness getting that annoying, you just don't like me, to actually think I- " Jimin was cut off, Jungkook leaned in and kissed Jimin closing the distance between them

Jungkook's pov

Jimin was breaking down in front me and I didn't know what else to but just..... kiss him, Jimin pulled away shocked

" J-Jungkook!  but your strai- "

" get some rest hyung... " Jungkook said tucking in Jimin and avoiding eye contact

I cant believe I just.. did that now he probably thinks I'm crazy.. Maybe even hates me, at least it was worth it..

Jimin rolls over facing away from Jungkook, Jimin was blushing like CRAZY

Jimin's pov

oh! my! gosh! Jungkook just kissed me! But why me why now! I want to run away from this feeling! I want to run and hide from this! this is so embarrassing! he probably just did it to shut me up...

Jimin stayed awake till 1:00am thinking about it until he fell asleep.....

~ The Next Morning ~

Jimin woke up letting out a cute yawn

Suddenly he felt a warm presence next to him, Jungkook was sitting next to him on the bed reading Jimin's book

Jimin was immediately reminded of the kiss and buried his face into the pillow

" good morning Hyung "  Jungkook cooed and looked up from the book, he had tears in his eyes

" I guess this book is really sad huh? " Jungkook chuckled pointing at the book

" Jungkook... why are you in my bed? " Jimin looked up at Jungkook

Jimins pov

I still want to run but I can't in the state im in, i'm glad I get out today, I know it's childish but I really want my eomma right now...


" crap! my eomma must be worried sick! " Jimin said jumping out of the bed searching for his phone

Jimin found his phone and quickly called his mother

" PARK JIMIN WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!! " Jimin's mom yelled into the phone, Jimin pulled the phone away from his ear because of how loud it was

" I hit my head and im at the hospital... " Jimin replied quietly

" OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OKAY!?! " Jimin's mom yelled once more

" ya but I don't get out till noon " Jimin replied  looking at Jungkook who was still reading the book in Jimin's bed

" I'M ON MY WAY RIGHT NOW ! " Jimin's mom hung up the phone

Jimin slowly turned around rubbing the back of his head shyly

" Jimin... I have to go now.. will you be ok... " Jungkook said putting down the book

" I'll be fine.. " Jimin was still upset about the kiss ' why did he do it ' ran through jimins mind so many times

Jungkook left the room and Jimin found a spot in the corner, then curled into a ball

" why did he do it! was it out of pity or just to shut me up! God dammit! Am I that annoying! " Jimin cried pulling at his hair

" Jimin?... "

" Eomma......Eomma! " Jimin ran to his mom and hugged her tightly


Chapter 10!! Poor Jimin he's so confused! sorry for the short chapter I will be busy the next few days so there will be some short chapters~ Please vote and comment ily you all \( ' 3')/

~ JikookProductions

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