Today you will learn about ROBLOX usernames and accounts.
Make an account. You can make an account and play on an: Xbox One, iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows, iPod touch, macOS, and Fire OS.
Link to make an account:
Make a fun username like: pandagirl88, ilikeunicorns56, galacticlights_70.(these are very random, there might be accounts with these names.)
Popular usernames start with: ii, Omq, and xX.
Here are some examples: iiRainbowGirl, OmqLilly, and xXJayRulesXx.
Another thing is YT and playz. A lot of people add YT and playz to their names. Ex: GamerLillyYT, or JamesPlayz.
You can have numbers and _s in your username.
Do not make troll names like: Click_Me34b2s88dg8.
Don't use your real name either! A lot of people use their real names though.
Here are random girl username examples: candygirl753, ShinyGem498, puppylover56, Nancy_Gamer743, SuperPrincess88.
Boy username examples: MLG_Brandon684, ninjaboss689, TheDarkLord759, bosswarrior664, or kevin_rulez467.
Did y'all get accounts yet? Comment down below your username, and just maybe, I'll send a friend request. Probably not.
GalacticMidnightOwl - cute1215 on ROBLOX.
A Guide to: ROBLOX
Random!!SLIGHTLY OUTDATED BUT UPDATES COMING SOON!! Okay, no more cover requests please! Hello my potatoes, this book turns potatoes into Pringles, so only noob potatoes can read this to turn into Pringles. I'm just kidding my precious, precious, Pringles.