Invisible Friend (Part 2)

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Evan blinked and blearily opened his eyes. He looked around and realized that he was in a hospital room, with his mom and a doctor standing over him.

"M-Mom?" he stuttered. "What happened?"

Heidi and the doctor turned away from the conversation they were having and rushed over to Evan's bed when they saw he was awake.

"Evan? Sweetie, how do you feel?" Heidi asked, bending over him with a concerned look on her face.

"I-I'm fine, what happened?"

Heidi bit her lip and looked at the doctor, who nodded at her to proceed.

"Honey- last night, you had a sort of- panic attack. But it wasn't like the others. You kept screaming something about a boy named Connor, then you went into some sort of unresponsive state."

Evan laid his head back down as the memories of the previous night came swimming back into his mind.

"Are- are you ok?" she asked, a worried expression coming back onto her face.

Evan nodded slowly. The best thing for him to do, he decided, was to let Connor be erased from his mind.

"As long as he's feeling alright, Evan should be able to go home today," the doctor told Heidi. "Let us know if anything else unusual happens."

Heidi nodded. "Thank you, Doctor."

The following days for Evan were a blur. It wasn't that they were fast- he just couldn't think straight. Evan was torn between the fact that his best friend was dead, and the fact that his mind had been so taken over by his invisible friend that he couldn't even control what he saw Connor do anymore.

"Class," Evan's history teacher, Ms. Danielle, said, "today we have a new student." (AN: FUCK YEAH MS. DANIELLE)

Evan didn't even lift his head from his desk when the new kid walked in. He just heard him sit down in the desk next to his.

"Everyone, this is Connor Murphy."

Evan froze. This couldn't be happening. Why did someone have the same name as his invisible friend? And so close when he had died too?

Evan refused to look up. They wouldn't look alike. They wouldn't act alike. The only similar thing would be their names.


Besides, this kid would probably never interact with Evan. Why get his hopes up?

It was too much. Evan needed to see this kid for himself, just to confirm that they weren't alike at all.

But when Evan looked up, all he saw was the face of his best friend.

AN: Oml if you guys hate my writing so much, stop pmming me and commenting hate and just don't read my shit.

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