TWO < Attractive Stalkers and Arising Problems

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Theo awoke to the curtains of his new bed, in his new dorm, with his new dorm mates.

He quietly stretched and cracked some tense muscles. He wiped a hand over his face before wiping the curtains away to have sunlight stream through.

He grunts before sliding out of bed, and casts Tempus. He always woke earlier than the other boys, and this was no different. He glanced to Malfoy's closed-curtain bed, then to Potter's whose was halfway.

The room was sort of in the shape of a pentagon. The door was at it's base, along with Potter's and Malfoy's chests at it's sides, and Malfoy's bed was to the right, whereas Potter's to the left. Two windows separated the spaces between Theo's and the other two's beds, and Theo's was at the point of the room. His chest was against the foot of his bed like his old dorm. There were seats at the two windows, and the sheets decorating the beds, and the theme color were a dark purple — no more segregation to the eighth year students. They still wore their house badge on their robes, but with a purple badge underneath to show they were eighth years.

Strange, honestly, because after they leave, the East Tower will once again be empty, and eighth years will no longer exist.

He let's his eyes settle on Potter's bed. They scan over the boy, appreciatively. His shirt rode a tad, displaying a sliver of tan, smooth skin covering obvious muscles. How did Potter even pack...

Theo snapped his eyes away, flushed. Shaking his head, he quickly dressed into his robes, and descended to the common room, to wait for Blaise.


"I haven't any idea to what they were doing. They kept the curtains open, so at first I thought they were into exhibitionism, but then they cast a Silencing charm, and just started talking! With literally no sexual intent! It was insane!" Blaise rambles on, grumbling about how Granger is probably boring in bed, or how Weasley is just in the closet, waiting for Prince Charming to save him.

"I assume his Prince Charming is tall, dark, and handsome?" Theo cracks a grin.

Blaise smirks. "Well, of course, Theodore. And has a remarkably white smile," he flashes his pearly whites.

Theo laughs as they walk into the Great Hall. He's become more talkative since the war, and he assumes he's just become more confident now that his parents are locked up, and his brother, Leonardo, and him are in care of their considerably more sane aunt and uncle. His parents monitored his every action and word, and constantly criticised his decisions. When his brother was born, thirteen years after his own birth, they put even more pressure on him. Why aren't you studying the Dark Arts more? Were you talking to that Muggle Born, again? If you're to be a role model for Leonardo, then you have to have the highest marks in your year!

But all they wanted was for him to be engaged in the Dark Arts so he can become a little Death Eater like them, then join the Dark Lord's ranks, then have little Death Eater children with some pure-blood wife that was probably a Death Eater, too, but all that got him was a bad reputation and them a life sentence in Azkaban.

Honestly, they need to get their priorities straight.

So, Theo left Leo, his brother, with his aunt and uncle with the intent on passing his NEWTS, getting a job, and raising Leo in the exact opposite ways of his parents. He'd be accepting, caring, and actually useful.

Theo breathes, deeply, nodding and pretending to listen to Blaise blabber on about Weasley's freckles or something. They sit at the Slytherin table, grabbing their breakfasts.

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