NINE < Potion Plans and Dreadful Discoveries

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"It's your own fault that you helped them patch things up." Blaise informs Theo, helpfully, as he continues to stare across the hall at Ronald Weasley, who stares back, just as unnervingly.

Theo groans. "Thanks, Blaise." He swishes his oatmeal around in his bowl for a way of ignoring the set of eyes on him from Draco's seat at the table.

Blaise nods, not glancing at his best mate. "Why did you help them, anyways?"

"Because they're in love with each other, but don't know it," mumbles Theo, as he wallows in self-pity and regret.

That makes Blaise look away from Ron. "What?"

Theo sighs. "Everyone knows it, Blaise."

"Really? Hmm. Thought I was one of the few," he trails, looking back at Ron, who hasn't looked away.

Theo rolls his eyes. "You aren't."

It's only a few moments later when he feels eyes on himself, from the opposite side of the room. He sees Anthony Goldstein staring at him, intently, before flushing when caught.

Theo grins, goofily, and gives a small wave to the boy. Anthony, still red, gives a wide smile and the mouthing of 'hello', back.

Blaise studies the scene, then starts, "Goldstein, still?"

Theo is snapped away from Anthony's brown eyes. "What?"

"You still have a crush on Anthony Goldstein?" Blaise repeats. "This might be the longest you've had, Theo."

Theo gawks. "It's only been..."

"Three months," Blaise offers. "The saddest thing is that you haven't even made a move."

Theo stutters. "What?! No- I mean, when could I? We only — "

"...have all each other's classes together, always go to the library at the same time, and share a common room," Blaise fills, smirking.

Theo glares, hotly. "Shuddup. I actually thought he was interested in that seventh year — Georgia or Gikle or something like that..."

"Gina?" Blaise offers, cheerfully. "Gina Sallis, the Ravenclaw?"

Theo shifts. "That's the one."

"Yeah, he's not," Blaise snorts. "No one can be. That is, unless you want to listen to hours and hours about how Harry Potter is the most interesting, handsome, and kind man in the world. Sallis is in love with him, honestly."

Theo let's his gaze fall to Gina Sallis, who sits a few seats away from Goldstein. She whispers fervently to a Hufflepuff while plainly pointing to Harry — who stays oblivious.

Theo feels a smirk creep on.


"I'll deliver it, safely, Gina. Don't worry," Theo assures the blonde Ravenclaw before walking away, grinning from ear to ear.

In his hand is a box of cherry chocloates, a note to Harry from Gina Sallis, and a small picture of the aforementioned girl.

It was rather easy to get Gina to buy the love potion, two days after he found out her obsession with Harry. She had heard him blabbering on about them in Hogsmeade, and she bought one in an instant.

Theo then bumped into her purposefully on his way back from the library, knowing full well she was heading to his dorm. When she saw who it was, she pushed the things in his hands and fled — most likely getting ready for Harry.

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