SIX < Repaired Relationships and Fireplace Friendships

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Draco Malfoy is not afraid to be openly gay.

Even though it was drilled in his mind when he was younger that he would marry a nice, Pureblood wife making little Pureblood babies, Draco Malfoy was not afraid of it.

His father was locked up, now. He didn't have to worry about being... punished for being gay. His mother accepted him before the words flew out of his mouth, and the wizarding world has had more gay wizards than Draco has of courage.

Draco knew who to tell about his sexuality in order to not have to tell any one himself, more than he wanted to.

That's why when he was first assigned in a dorm with Harry bloody Potter and a highly attractive man, he was very defensive.

But, the most amazing thing happened: Harry Potter knew nothing of his sexual preferences.

Draco took advantage of it. Him and Potter made a deal.

("Allies." His green eyes flash, mischievously.

"Allies?" Draco arches an eyebrow, heart racing. "And how can you know that I'm a... good ally, Potter?"

"Oh, I know how to tell the wrong sort, Malfoy." He winked. "And you're the right sort of ally.")

He and Potter worked remarkably together. Granger would constantly tease the two of them. Saying they were the best pair she'd ever seen. The best pair of allies.

Draco scowls as he scrawls in the Ancient Runes instructions into his notes. Granger, from beside him, gives him a curious look. He waves her off, dismissively, before continuing to write in his worst handwriting.

Anyways, of course, Pansy came in and tried to help him — mind you, he had picked the exact date in which he was going to tell Potter — and Potter has known for nearly a month, and they've barely been talking.

Draco knows that Potter isn't homophobic — him and Blaise have hit it off, spectacularly, and Theodore is gay, and Draco is ninety-nine point nine percent sure that both the Weasel and Granger are, too, but —

Draco and Potter had done some... questionable things, while on their quest to accompany Theodore Nott.

Never mind that. Now, The Theo Triumph — Potter thought of the terrible name, the imbecile — was in the bin with the rest of Draco's plots to defeat Potter, and Draco doesn't even have a Potter for an ally with him.

" — Mister Malfoy?"

Draco's head shoots up.

Professor Babbling sighs. "Did you hear the question, Mister Malfoy."

Draco shakes his head, sheepish but keeping an impassive​ front. He's been prone to being more expressive, lately. He blames the war.

Pansy blames Potter.

"Miss Granger?" Professor Babbling moves on, and Draco catches Hermione's worried glance his way.

"Graphorn, Professor. For it's two long horns represent..." Draco zones off again.


"Seriously, Draco!" Granger scolds as they exit the Study of Ancient Runes classroom, and venture down the corridors to the Great Hall. "If you don't start paying closer attention, you're gonna lose track of class. You don't even have all of the needed notes for today!"

Draco nods, knowing how long her education rants go, and what happens when you interrupt one with your own thoughts.

"There's gonna be a quiz on Friday to check up on what we know — you need to be ready for that," she goes on. "And writing Draco Potter over and over on your parchment isn't going to — "

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