FOUR < Confusing Realisations and their Consequences

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Harry James Potter was not completely sure of his sexuality.

Really he didn't see it as a big deal — Blaise Zabini has been an open pansexual for a couple years now, and plenty of people still like him. Even Ron, who, although he hasn't come out yet, is bi, and when he came to this conclusion no one treated him differently. When they didn't know, of course. (That's a funny thought. He's the same person as before — personality exactly the same — but with just one change in his identity, a person might despise him. How so very odd.)

Honestly, Harry didn't think it was a big deal.

He admitted to himself that maybe he was a little keen on Cedric Diggory, just a bit, in fourth year — what with his charms, abilities, and kindness. And he grudgingly reminded himself from time to time about what he thought of Viktor Krum when he first saw him on a broomstick.

But it was different now.

Back then, Harry had a purpose. And he doubted that anyone would think of his sexuality after the Triwizard Tournament's turn of events. Back then, no one worried about that. Back then, he was to defeat the Terrorizer of the Wizarding World.

What Harry didn't know, was that they expected him to settle down with a wife and have little, heroic Potter children.

He was sure that he wasn't completely homosexual. He did like Cho Chang in that same year he discovered his wandering mind of the same gender. And he really thought Ginny was beautiful in sixth year. But now, Ginny was interested in Quidditch, Quidditch, and Luna Lovegood, so he wasn't exactly a thought on her mind, but nor was she on his. And Merlin knows where Cho is, bless her soul.

So, sure, Harry wasn't certain on his sexual preferences. But, Harry was certain on something.

With his new obsession on befriending Theodore Nott, he accompanied his old rival, Draco Malfoy. They made an agreement, and they stuck to it. They shared thoughts, gave answers, and even wandered their new discovery of Theo's sexuality together(which they of course got a healthy hint about from Zabini).

So, although they were somewhat "companions", Harry was certain on this fact:

Draco Fucking Malfoy was not supposed to look so damn good in just his boxers.


Harry sighs, rubbing his face from emotion, as he sits in his space at the Gryffindor table.

Ginny snickers at his tired expression, and nudges his side, urging her completely, hilarious, harmless joke. "Malfoy been keeping you up, eh, Harry?"

Harry rolls his eyes, snapping, "No, but maybe Luna will, tonight, don't you think?"

Ginny growls, but leaves him alone. Ron, who just sat down after him, chuckles.

"How's it going with Theo and the dorm?" he asks, buttering his toast, messily, to get the thing in his mouth faster.

"Theo?" Harry arches an eyebrow at Nott's first name. Ron merely shrugs. "And bloody perfect," he rolls his eyes. He sighs. "How did you do it, eh? Make him like you, that is."

"He didn't make him. He wasn't pushy," Ginny comments, who has apparently forgiven Harry for his harsh words to her — she just knows it — future wife. "Nott doesn't like pushy people." Ron nods, approvingly.

"How do you know?" Harry asks, accusingly.

"I'm observant. Unlike you, Glasses," Ginny teases, pushing his round glasses up his nose for him.

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