Love and Hate

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Nick's POV

          I went the way Jacob ran off too and there was no sight of him.. "What the heck is wrong with me?! Why would I say that to her?!" I thought to myself. I had to use the restroom so I went in there to do my business. Then I looked at myself in the mirror and said aloud, "I hate Lexie." Then someone came out of the stall. "What did you just say...?" A voice said. I turned around and saw... Marshall. "Marshall! I-I didn't mean it! You know I l-lov hate her." I tried to say.
"Nick, what's wrong?" Marshall questioned.
"I don't know.. Jacob through a potion at me and now when ever I try to say lov hate that happens.." I explained.
"Damnit Jacob.." Marshall said under his breath. "We need to find that mutt."
"We do indeed. But I can't talk to Lexie for the time being.." I said sadly.
"Want me to tell her?" Marshall asked.
"No, I need to do this on my own..." I said trying to sound confident. "DON'T TELL HER ANYTHING! All you need to do is make sure I don't hurt her!"
"I won't. Gosh you think I'm that bad of a friend?!" Marshall joked.
I rolled my eyes and we both got to our classes.

Lexie's POV

After Nick said that, I ran straight to Ella. "Lexie, what's wrong?" She asked hugging me. I explained everything to her. "WHAT!!! That guy! He's gonna be sorry he ever met me!!" Ella yelled.
"No Ella. You're not gonna do anything to him. I got this me being Omega has made me learn I need to do things on my won and not let other people do it for me.." I said trying to be strong.
"Aww! And I thought I would get to hurt somebody." She said.
"Hey! Don't get violent!" I said laughing. Then we walked to our separate classes.
I got to my class and about 15 minutes in I started to think about Nick. "I can't believe he called me Omega.. I guess he does truly hate me.." I was thinking to myself. Then the classroom door opened and one of the Seniors walked in with another Freshman. The teacher said, "Class, this is a new student. His name is Leo. Leo , you'll sit next to the werewolf girl, she has dark blue/purple ears and tail. Lexie wave." I was shocked and I waved shyly. I don't know how to hid my tail and ears yet.. Leo walked over but he looked like a normal boy. I decided to greet him. "H-hi Leo. Nice to meet you, I'm Lexie." I said.
"H-hi.. I'm Leo..." He said shyly. He looked like a normal human but maybe he is a werewolf hiding his ears? I really want to know but I don't wanna be rude. I'll find out eventually. But we had to do partner work today and the teacher partnered me up with Leo. To be honest I was find with that but he didn't. His cheeks were turning red. "Are you okay?" I asked.
"Huh? Me? Y-yeah.. I'm t-totally fine." He said rubbing the back of his head with his hand. We continued to do work all class period. Then he asked, "So you're a werewolf?"
"Well yeah.." I said shyly. I decided not to ask him what he is.
"Well that's cool! I wish I was." He said.
"Haha, yeah.. no.." I started to tear up. The bell rang and I said quickly, "Sorry, I gotta go.. bye. See you around.."
"Wait L-lexie!" He yelled but I didn't notice.

(Time skip to lunch)

So I sat with Ella again, but Marshall wasn't there.. I looked around and he was with N-nick.. I understood though, they're best friends, so I can't stop him. But then Leo came over. "Hey Leo! Sorry for running off earlier." I said.
"It's okay. I'm sorry if I offended you or anything.." He said sadly.
"Who's this person?" Ella said annoyed.
"He's my friend Ella. Cool it." I said.
"Well I'm sorry he said something about offending you." She protested.
"He's a good guy. Trust me." I said to Ella with a smile.
"Haha, thanks." Leo said with a smile.
"So, what are you? You look like a human..? This is only a magic school." Ella asked.
"ELLA! That's rude." I said.
"Nahhh, it's fine.. I look human but when someone hurts someone I care about or something like that I-I turn into a D-demon.." He said shyly.
"Whoa! So you're a Demon?! I better not get on your bad side.." Ella said.
"Haha, I don't get mad easily." He explained.
Then Marshall came over and Nick... Nick had a hoodie on, and a bandanna.. a flashback hit me..
"I gave him a bandanna when we were little.. That can't be the same one.." I said to myself. I got up and walked away.. Ella got up with me and glared at Nick. Leo didn't know what to do so he shyly sat there and Marshall and Nick sat where Ella and I were sitting.

Nick's POV

            "DAMNIT! She's afraid of me or just plan hates me now.." I said to Marshall. "We'll find him sooner or later. I mean in Werewolf Class we'll have to see him." Marshall said.
"Hopefully." I said..
The kid that was sitting in Marshall's normal seat said, "You're a Werewolf?" To Marshall.
"Yup, see." And Marshall popped his ears and tail out.
"Whoa! I didn't know Werewolves could do that! I'm surprised Lexie didn't do that earlier today." He said about to get up.
"Wait kid. You know Lexie?" I questioned.
"Yeah, I guess we're friends. We just met today." He explained and walked away.
"He looked like a normal human.. I better keep an eye on him." I said to myself. Lunch ended and Marshall and I headed to Werewolf Class.
               When we walked in the teacher was late... When Marshall and I walked in Jacob already beat us and was talking to Lexie with two others. "Ready to fight now..?" Jacob asked Lexie. "Also, The Alpha is on our side this time." He said with a smirk.
"No! Nick would never do that!" Lexie said.
"Oh are you sure about that?" He said laughing. I walked over.
"Oh speaking of Alpha there he is. Alpha want to help us beat up the Omega?" He asked me.
"N.. Of course." I said smirking.
"FRICK! WHY DID I SAY THAT!?!" I said to myself. My eyes changed colors from brown to red under my bandanna but I don't think anyone noticed. I stood next to Jacob and said, "I'm ready to beat up the Omega! This is gonna be easy!" I said laughing. I picked her desk up and through it out the window. But before I could take a step forward Marshall stood in front of Lexie.
"Oh you're trying to save her now?! It's only yourself, against four of us. How are you gonna beat us?" I said smirking. Ella stepped next to Marshall. I laughed. But then the lights flickered and all of a sudden there was a boy on the other side of Marshall. He had dark gray skin and his hair was white. "YOU CAN'T GET PAST US NOW. THEY HAVE A DEMON ON THEIR SIDE!" The guy said with a smirk. All the other werewolves gasped and walked back. But Jacob and his crew stayed. Jacob and the other two werewolves went for Ella and the Deman kid. I went for Marshall. It became a big fight. I had Marshall on his back but Ella and the Demon kid actually beat the other two werewolves and both were fighting Jacob.
"NICK SNAP OUT OF IT!" Marshall yelled. I didn't pay attention but then all of a sudden the Demon kid disappeared. The light last flickered again and he was gone. The teacher walked in and asked, "WHATS GOING ON?!" No on talked. "EVERYONE GET BACK TO YOUR SEATS!" He yelled. Everyone got back to their seats except Lexie..

Lexie's POV

              When everyone got back to their seats I was the one without a desk. Everyone looked at me especially the teacher. "Why does Lexie not have a desk and why is the window broken?" He asked. I didn't say anything.. no one said anything. He didn't seem to care to be honest, he just told me to sit up front next to Nick... I was freaking out. After what just happened. I was scared to death to move up there. But I had too.. When I went up there Nick looked at me.. He took his bandanna of and I was for sure I saw a quick glimpse of his eyes being red but I think I was just imagining things after what just happened. I sat on the edge of my seat and my tail wrapped around myself.
Class ended and I rushed out of that class as fast as possible. I was looking for Leo. I looked at parent pickup for a kid with black hair and I found him. "Leo!" I yelled. "Hey Lexie what's up?" He asked.
"I know that was you today. In Werewolf class.. Thank you." I said while hugging him. He hugged back and said, "You're welcome, anything for a friend." I smiled. "Well.. I'll see you tomorrow!" I said as I was walking home. "Yes! I got a hug from her!" Leo said aloud. I heard but I ignored it and giggled. I walked home and Nick was in his car and drove passed me. He stopped and I acted like I didn't notice. I stopped and grabbed my sweatshirt out of my bag, put it on, put the hoodie up and ran home. I dropped my glasses and didn't notice. Nick yelled for me but I ignored it completely. I continued running home and when I did get home, I locked the doors tight. My mom said she wasn't gonna be home today so I was fine to cry...

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