Chapter 2: Ties of Brotherhood

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The bonds of brotherhood are invincible to all, except the brothers who formed them.

- Unknown

Chapter 2: Ties of Brotherhood


"Crap" I mutter as Dani shuts her door in my face. As soon as I saw her look of anxiety I knew I had messed up. BAD. I hadn't meant to kiss her, but-, she was just there looking perfect and beautiful like always and-

UGH, you sound like a sap, you idiot! You made an absolutely idiotic move, and it's not helping that you're standing there, wallowing like a little girl! My brain practically yelled at me.

I just stood there, looking at the door as the realization of what I had just done really washed over me, and disappointment swallowed me whole. As I began to walk away, and start wandering around the grounds with no idea of what to do I just started thinking. I kissed her. I finally kissed her, but she looked at me like I was crazy. I slowly lowered myself onto the ledge of the courtyard's fountain and the only thing going through my brain was the shocked, confused look that had flashed across Dani's face after our kiss.And now, I thought, I know what it's like to see her run away from me. That's never happened before, she's always come to me when she has a problem, but now she'll probably never trust me again, never talk to me, never truly want me around. Urgh what is wrong with me, why can't I keep my freaking emotions in check?

Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder, and glancing up I saw the face of my friend Jay. "Hey bro, what's with all the teen angst I'm sensing over here?" His formal accent making the term sound like a disease. "Okay dude I get it, you're older than me, enough with the jokes." I said giving him a fake glare. "Besides I don't need you to question me when I get a little emotional." Jay smirked and sat down next to me, instantly changing his expression to thoughtfulness, stroking his chin.

I gave him a worried look before I said, "Uh-oh, you're thinking. Nothing good happens when you start thinking." He just smirked at me and said "I guess I'm just trying to figure out if you've been spending far too much time with my sister. I mean you have a bond with her Gabe, but perhaps it's changing you, giving you more emotions, and if you aren't careful you may have to go with her so you can both buy tampons." I whip my head up and glare at him as he starts laughing obnoxiously.














The walls of the hallway blurred past as I ran towards the throne room where my father was waiting for me. Slowing down as the doors loomed closer, I walked through them as calmly as possible, but the nervousness and excitement I felt were close to overwhelming me as I approached my dad, who was leaning over the council table with everyone hanging on his every word.

Oh, it's good to be the king, I thought as he looked up and, upon seeing me, his face softened and he smiled. I gave a shy smile in response, and an imperceptible nod letting him know I would wait. Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder, and when I turned I was surprised to see Tarah and Liz standing behind me. Liz was smiling kindly with a knowing look in her eyes and Tarah had a rebellious smirk covering her face. "Look alive girl, Robert's finishing up." Her fake southern drawl causing my smile to widen. Then Tarah points and her own smile gets bigger as we all look and see my father waving and calling us up to the table.

"I get the feeling that someone is excited about her birthday party." He says, and I smile even more. "Well Daniella, there are only a few details left to work out, and as you can tell we have started decorating the room to your specifications; purple streamers, light blue balloons, lavender table cloths, and blue & purple chinaware." He says brandishing his arm as he points to everything he's mentioned. I take everything in before I realize that I have three days until my birthday party, but I stopped caring when I realized it was all going to be perfect.

Looking up, I see my dad smile at me as he goes on, "Now all you need is this," he says handing over a box with a moon on the front. I open the box and gasp because sitting on a deep purple silk cushion is a Tiara. It was the perfect size as it curved into a pyramid of half circles topped with a rose. Inside each half circle a small moon dangled, with a waning crescent on the left, a waxing crescent on the right, and a full moon in the top. Liz glances at the box and smiles at me, as she gently pulls out the Tiara and carefully places it on my head, while we walk over to a full length mirror.

I looked and couldn't help but imagine my long, flowing, royal purple ball gown on instead of jeans and sweatshirt. I worked to hide my smirk at the thought of Jay and Gabe with their many quips and jokes about the fact that I would be wearing a dress. Then I stopped as the thought of Gabe brought back, thoughts of the night before. Trying to focus on the present I simply turned around and walked back towards my dad asking, "What else needs to be worked out?" as I placed the tiara back in the box. After giving another warm smile he says "Leave it all to me" and simply shoos us out the door.

Author's Note: Ok so I finally got it. Sorry it took so long but I wanted to make it as good as I could for you guys. Also I'm sorry that I can't be more regular when it comes to updates, but I have a ton of stuff that goes on everyday so weekends are my friend. Please let me know what you think of the story and if you have any questions. If I don't explain something either well enough or at all let me know and I will respond as soon as I can. With all of that said ENJOY!!!!

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