Chapter 3: Ties of Friendship

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A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.

-Jim Morrison

Chapter 3: Ties of Friendship


As I leave the throne room with Liz and Tarah, I notice someone leaning against the far wall. A wave of evil washes over me from that direction and I know of only three people that it could come from. Suddenly the figure is standing right in front of me and I just barely hold back the cringe that threatened to overtake my entire body.

"What do you want, Lance?" I ask through clenched teeth as he puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to his side. "Why, I just wanted to spend time with my favorite princess is all. How are you on this fine morning, Beautiful?" his breath on my face is the last straw and a shiver runs down my spine as disgust and anxiety finally take over. I try to push away but Lance holds on tighter and I know there will be a bruise on my hip, even if only for a short time.

Finally I feel his arm lose it's hold and my body is jerked away from his by a stronger pair of hands. I turn to silently thank my hero, but before I can they push me behind them even more and I hear the scariest growl I have heard in my life. I look up and see Gabe glaring at Lance in a way that makes me assume, if it weren't for Lance's royalty he'd be dead.

"What the hell are you doing? Keep your hands off of her." Gabe grits out, his voice low and murderous. Lance simply glares back before letting out a dark chuckle. " That's right, I forgot. As long as the protective mutt is around no one can get within three feet of Her Royal Highness." Gabe jerked back at the insult before growling again, louder this time. "I'll be going now. Have fun Daniella, play fetch with your pet-"

SMACK!! Lance's face swung to the side as my palm made contact with his cheek. When he turned back to face me anger covered his features, but it shrank into fear when he saw the my own anger was far worse. "Do. Not. Ever. Insult him." I said enunciating each word, as venom dripped from my voice. "Are we clear? If you so much as look at him ever again, I don't care who your mother is, I will end you, got it?"

He nodded before bowing his head and backing away.

I turned to my friends who all stared at me with wide eyes, and faces of fear and awe. I looked at them confused, "What? He shouldn't have said that." Their mouths seemed to drop farther. Then Tarah was the first to speak up, "That, was freaking amazing! You are going to be an awesome Queen-of-something one day!" Everyone else nodded, still dumbstruck, and I felt myself blush a little before smiling shyly. I looked at Gabe, scared that he would be mad because I defended him. When I saw the pride that shone out of his face I had to blink, and look again. He caught my gaze and smiled, while mouthing 'Thank you'.












I had never heard someone speak with as much authority, as Dani had when she told off Lance. Not even my old training officers from the Academy had sounded that scary, and they were all war veterans. The fact that she had been defending me made it even better. No one had ever stood up for me like that. If there had been any doubt in my mind whether or not I was in love with her, it was gone now.

I was in the training center waiting for her to show up for our work out and all I could think was that, I was going to see what all she could do. We had sparred before, but I always let her get the upper-hand eventually. This time though, I wanted to know if she had the physical strength to back up her authority.

I hear the door behind me open and Dani steps through dressed in sweats and a "sports bra" as I've been told to call it. Apparently "bra" refers to a normal everyday bra, and "sports bra" refers to the kind of bra that women think they can wear as a shirt. Not something I ever really wanted to know, but according to Dani I needed to. I snap back to reality and see her smirk at me, because she knows I had zoned out. She always knows. Without a sound she speeds over to me and punches me in the shoulder. Hard. I stagger back to try and catch my balance but she uses the opportunity to sweep her leg behind me and flip me onto my back.

I sat up and groaned, before I noticed Dani crouched in front of me smiling. "Let's spar, bodyguard." she said as she stood up and walked to the center mats. I slowly got to my feet and walked towards her, but before I could get into my stance she grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled my face close to hers. "If you go the slightest bit easy on me," she growled "I will make your life miserable." I barely caught my breath enough to say "Yes ma'am".

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