Chapter 6: Ties of Regret

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I'd rather regret the things I've done, than regret the things I haven't done.

-Lucille Ball

Chapter 6: Ties of Regret



"What are you talking about? How, and better yet, why would you hurt me?" She flinches at my question and I can feel a sense of dread that solidifies at her next words. "Last night was a mistake."

We stare at each other for what feels like hours, I don't know how to respond to her but I know I have to say something. "W-what?" I stutter almost unable to get the words out. She looks at me with a face full of pity, which stabs at my heart. She takes a deep breath and I see resolve harden her eyes, "Last night was a mistake. I know you were telling the truth when you said you love me, but I shouldn't have slept with you. I care about you, a lot, just not in that way. You are my best friend, you have always protected me, and I want us to keep our relationship, but that relationship is only a friendship. It's not romance, and I'm sorry."

I felt tears in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. Instead I let my anger lead my actions as I practically growled, "If you don't think we should have had sex, then why did you?" She flinched again before turning around and walking towards the door. "When you were telling me that you love me, I had reached into the bond to see the truth. I think, when I did that, I accidentally attached to your emotions and they took over-" "Bullshit!" I yelled, and she stumbled at the force in my voice. I stomped towards the door, swung it open, then turned back towards her, "You can bitch as much as you want, last night meant something. God, I'm such an idiot. I can't stop my heart from saying it loves you, but I'm certainly going to try ignoring it from now on." I slammed the door behind me, as I headed towards the gym for a punching bag.


As Gabe slammed the door behind him, I finally let myself break down. I couldn't breathe through my sobs, but I also couldn't control them as they wracked my body. Tears fell like a waterfall as I slid down the wall, which was the only thing supporting me.

I wrapped my arms around my legs, as soon as I hit the ground. The only thing that kept going through my mind, was the look of anger and heartbreak that had been on his face when he left. I hated Jenna. I hated her more than I had thought possible, and I would make her pay. If she hadn't shown me just how many spies she had hidden among us, I wouldn't have taken her seriously. She had though, and if she was willing to reveal all of them, I didn't even want to imagine how many others she still had hiding in the shadows. As thoughts of Jenna and her evil, continued to rattle around in my brain my sadness gave way to burning anger. Jenna had to die. Soon.

Hey everyone. Sorry it's so short, but I wanted to post something since it's been a little while. Also I will be posting a quick look of another story called M.A.F.I.A. and I'm excited to see what you guys think of it. Here is a tiny sneak peek.

10 years ago Angela walked away from the life she knew, and she didn't plan on looking back. When the two people, whom she trusted most, come back into her life she'll find herself knee-deep in the world she so desperately wanted to escape.

"What are you doing here? I thought it was made clear, I would never contact you again and you would never contact me." Angela stared down at her childhood friends, while Tony and Trent exchanged glances. She could understand if Trent had broken the rules to find her, they had dated for five years. Tony was a different story. He would only have come looking for her, for one reason. As Angela reached this realization, Tony said the four words she had never wanted to hear. "We need your help."

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