Prologue: Ties to the Past

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The ties that bind us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us, even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some bonds defy distance, and time, and logic. Because some ties are simply... meant to be.


Prologue: Ties to the Past

Long ago, there was a Witch who lived alone in the forests of ancient lands. She had only her two pets to keep her company, a Wolf and a Bat. The Wolf would guard her in the day and the Bat would guard her at night. They all lived peacefully as friends, until one day the young, lonely Witch realized she longed for human company, so she used her powers to turn her two pets into men. However this action went against nature and the animals, while human, were cursed with traits of their past lives. The Wolf would turn into a man whenever he pleased, but on the night of the full moon he would stay a wolf until the sun rose over the trees. The Bat could not enter the sun or else he would burn away into ash, and so he would stay inside until the sun would set. They each had natural instincts as well; the Wolf could not resist the urge to hunt, just as the Bat could not resist the temptation of blood. After being transformed they were both given the knowledge, and emotions of man such as a strong jealousy towards each other concerning the Witch. Both had fallen in love with her over time yet she loved them both equally, which inevitably led to a rivalry between the men. The Witch soon met another however, and the rivalry then included the newcomer as well. The man was a Huntsman, and he was known throughout the land for his skills. One day, when the bickering between the three men became too much, the Witch sent them all out in different directions to gather ingredients for a potion. After her protectors had left, the citizens of the nearby town approached the Witch's home. Not sensing the danger, the Witch greeted the villagers kindly, realizing too late their intent to kill her. The villagers attacked and soon the Witch lay dead at their feet. All three of the Witch's men arrived and, upon finding her body, began launching accusations at one another. In the end they parted out of respect for the Witch, but they swore that if they or any of their descendants should cross paths again, battle would ensue.

Years later the descendants of the Wolf and the Bat live in kingdoms ruling over their races. The Huntsman trained his descendants to kill those of the Wolf and Bat. These men became known as the Hunters and, with the help of a witch, they have increased their strength and speed to better their chances in battle. The bats have come to be known as Vampires, just as the wolves are Werewolves and each have an exact leader chosen to lead. The vampires have a king and the wolves a queen. One day the two leaders met and, against their nature, fell in love. Their affair lasted well over a year until the queen discovered she was pregnant. After entrusting two of her advisors with the truth the queen traveled to a summer home until the child was born. The baby was sent to grow up with her father the vampire king, and would only see the queen on diplomatic travels. Due to their child being born the two rulers created a peace treaty so that their young daughter, a mixture of the two races, could live in a world of peace. It is to this daughter that the story shifts its focus, and tells of her part in the oncoming battles.

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